All Smoking cessation articles – Page 8
Make smoking history
As the deadline for banning smoking in public places nears, Frances Perrow looks at some shocking statistics, and finds out what PCTs are doing to help get the country smoke-free
Northern Ireland smoking ban begins 30 April
The legislation allowing Northern Ireland to introduce a ban on smoking in enclosed public places has completed its progress through parliament and will come into effect on 30 April next year.Northern Ireland health minister Paul Goggins said his office would work to build support for the legislation and issue guidance ...
Scottish smoking ban 'could wipe out lung cancer'
In his first annual report Dr Harry Burns, chief medical officer for Scotland, says that the ban on smoking which was introduced in March has already reduced passive smoking levels and is encouraging more people to quit. He said that the ban, coupled with a decline in rates of smoking-related ...
DoH publishes new smoking cessation figures
The Department of Health has published the latest quarterly statistics on access to smoking cessation services. It shows Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire strategic health authority had the highest proportion of successful quitters (63 per cent) while Cheshire and Merseyside SHA reported the lowest (41 per cent). ...
Deprived areas score best at smoking cessation
Primary care trusts show wide variations in the implementation of their smoking-cessation services, and many have not consulted with patients and the public, says the Healthcare Commission.
HSJ Knowledge
Smoking bans in mental health settings
Implementing smoke-free policy in healthcare settings is generally popular but not always so in mental healthcare.
Deputy CMO tells MPs Reid wrong on full smoking ban
PUBLIC HEALTH Tougher legislation set to be proposed by ministers
Merseyside hospital stubs out onsite smoking
Published: 17/03/2005, Volume II5, No. 5947 Page 10
Reid sticks to his comments on smoking and the working classes
PUBLIC HEALTH Health secretary defends controversial views on the pleasures of nicotine
PCT ticked off by advertising authority for smoking boast
Published: 05/08/2004, Volume II4, No. 5917 Page 5
Slow-burning strategies see London drag behind in smoking cessation
Published: 17/06/2004, Volume II4, No. 5910 Page 10 11
Capital's election hopefuls would stub out smoking in public places
Published: 03/06/2004, Volume II4, No. 5908 Page 6