All Smoking cessation articles – Page 9
PCTs heed smoking criticisms
Published: 04/03/2004, Volume II4, No. 5895 PagePrimary care trusts say they are keen to broaden their anti-smoking strategy beyond the four-week targets attacked in the Wanless report on public health.
ASH smoulders amid accusations that Labour has flunked public smoking ban
Published: 30/10/2003, Volume II3, No. 5879 Page 7
Smoking 'czar'will co-ordinate NHS anti-smoking policies
The government has appointed a smoking 'czar' to co-ordinate anti-smoking policies throughout the NHS.
Anti-smoking research shows TV ads make sense
Health Development Agency research suggests that health promotion on television is an effective way to combat smoking.
Short Cuts: Adult smoking levels down over two decades
Public health minister Yvette Cooper has welcomed a compilation of statistics on smoking from 1978 onwards that show it has dropped among adults. The figures show that in 1998, 27 per cent of adults aged 16 and over smoked cigarettes, a drop from 40 per cent in 1978.But the prevalence ...
Smoking targets too low: MPs
A scathing report on the tobacco industry from the Commons health select committee has condemned the government for failing to match antismoking rhetoric with action.
Spoiling for a fight on smoking
HSJ website poll reveals managers' support for suing tobacco companies
Anti-smoking battle 'will be led by Europe'
The battle against the tobacco industry will be spearheaded by European directives, not homegrown legislation or court actions, health secretary Alan Milburn has told MPs.
In Brief: Call for smoking to be treated as hard drug
A medical royal college has called for smoking to be taken as seriously as the use of heroin or cocaine, with treatment routinely available on the NHS. In a hard-hitting report, the Royal College of Physicians of England calls for a radical new approach to tobacco use, recognising it as ...
Short cuts: Hutt announces £1m anti-smoking drive for Wales
Welsh health and social services minister Jane Hutt has announced a £1m programme to implement the policies set out in the Smoking Kills white paper. A 'smokebusters' club for 9 to 11-year-olds will be set up as part of initiatives to curb smoking among children and young people. New smoking ...
Smoking prevention
There is no simple answer to stopping young people smoking, but a co-ordinated approach between agencies is the best strategy, argue Rachel Richardson and Amanda Sowden
Anti-smoking campaigners hit out at delay to tobacco ad ban
A government delay on implementing elements of its tobacco advertising ban has been condemned as 'pointless appeasement' by anti smoking campaigners.