All Social care articles – Page 100

  • News

    Joint guidance for treatment of patients in health and social care


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the Social Care Institute for Excellence have issued joint guidance for the treatment of patients in health and social care.The guidelines cover the identification, treatment and care of people with dementia, and for the first time, healthcare professionals within the NHS ...

  • News

    Jessica Crowe on love at a local level


    'Lay scrutiny can act as a stimulus for real change and innovation - especially where local authorities and health bodies work closely together on a long-term basis'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Help for councils to get to grips with money


    The October 2005 report by the Association of Directors of Social Services on spending pressures in learning disability services showed that the number of people with learning disabilities getting help from councils is going up.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Care services efficiency delivery: demand forecasting and capacity planning


    The care services efficiency delivery programme was established by the Department of Health to implement the recommendations of Releasing Resources to the Front Line, Sir Peter Gershon's review of public sector efficiency.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Our Health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services


    2006 Government white paper setting out the ambitions for community-based care which is close to home, a shift of emphasis towards prevention, and support for people with longer term needs. The final two chapters are dedicated towards 'making sure change happens' and a 'timetable for action'.

  • News

    PCTs asked to help 'at-risk' families


    The joint Department of Health and Department for Education and Skills parenting support programme for at-risk families is now accepting joint applications from primary care trusts and local authorities wanting to become demonstration sites for the programme.Download the application pack here

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Predicting the future


    Cutting emergency hospital admissions among those with long-term conditions would save the NHS millions. But how can those at risk be identified, traced and their needs addressed? Daloni Carlisle looks at two solutions

  • News

    LINks to get scrutiny role


    Local Involvement Networks will be given a legal right to inspect NHS, social care, voluntary and independent sector organisations, health minister Rosie Winterton said this week.

  • News

    PCTs told to implement radical changes to LAAs


    Primary care trusts will be expected to develop more flexible agreements with councils under proposals outlined in a white paper for local government reform.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Gail Richards on community cohesion


    What do you think about when you hear the phrase 'community cohesion'? Is it only important in inner cities? And do we have a role to play?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Identifying 'ghost' patients in residential and nursing homes


    There are plenty of methodologies for systematically validating list of patients registered with primary care trusts to identify 'ghost' patients - those who no longer live at their recorded address or do not exist.

  • News

    Improving outcomes for wheelchair users


    Out and About: wheelchairs as part of a whole systems approach to independencehas been published by the Department of Health. The document provides a view of the current state of wheelchair provision and makes recommendations on how the NHS working with partners can improve outcomes ...

  • News

    Right to rehab reconsidered


    The government is considering introducing a 'right to rehabilitation leave', health minister Andy Burnham has announced.

  • News

    Consultation on funding boundaries sparks fears over cost impact for PCTs


    Government proposals for the funding of long-term care for people outside hospital will exacerbate the financial crisis facing primary care trusts, according to the NHS Confederation.

  • News

    Lewis wants national advocacy service


    Patients need a national advocacy service to extend the benefits of choice to poor or excluded people, a minister has claimed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sustainable Communities Awards expanded


    HSJ's Sustainable Communities Awards, which recognise public sector achievement in the field, has grown. With 11 categories for 2007 - three more than last year - primary care trusts, local authorities, and other local partners will have a chance to be honoured for their role in delivery of sustainable communities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A proactive approach to the care home population


    Admissions management: Leeds West primary care trust

  • News

    SNP to review free care policy


    Scotland's main opposition party has pledged a review of the flagship free personal care policy if it wins power in next year's Scottish Parliament elections.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Rocky patch: deficits are straining relationships between health and social care


    The boundaries between health and social care are shifting and PCT cuts are leaving local authorities with funding gaps. In a joint feature with HSJ sister title Local Government Chronicle, Nick Golding looks at the pressures they face

  • News

    Bishop condemns chaplain redundancies


    The Bishop of Worcester has described as a 'piece of destruction' proposals by Worcestershire Acute Hospitals trust to make six chaplains redundant as part of plans to tackle an underlying £30m deficit.