All Social care articles – Page 31
Theresa May backtracks on care funding policy
The prime minister has promised a future Conservative government would introduce a cap on care costs, following widespread criticism of her proposals for the funding of social care announced in last week’s Conservative manifesto.
Labour softens stance on STPs in its final election manifesto
Labour official manifesto softens party stance on sustainability and transformation plans The party now plans to halt and review the STPs instead of simply halting them as set out in the leaked manifesto which was published last week The new manifesto, published today, also sets out the Labour Party’s ...
CQC to inspect integrated care in 20 areas from autumn
Targeted Care Quality Commission reviews of local health and social care systems will begin in November and focus on 20 areas, Local Government Chronicle has reported.
HSJ Local
City leaders make first moves towards 'virtual' MCP
Health leaders in Portsmouth working towards new alliance agreement “Virtual” MCP contract could be in place in 2017-18 Priority areas for service change already identified Primary and community care leaders in the Portsmouth area are planning the first steps towards rolling out a new care model.
Exclusive: Social care £2bn won't get NHS through winter, ministers warned
Budget pledge to ease pressure on NHS by injecting cash into social care will fail, health chiefs warn Extra cash will largely plug existing social care budget gaps rather than supporting NHS discharges Tory source rejected that funding would not help NHS, stating cash was contingent on councils showing ...
More CCGs risk deficit after care home price hike
Commissioning leaders fear funded nursing care price hike could push more CCGs into deficit FOI requests reveal CCGs estimate the rise cost them £152m in 2016-17 Price hike from £112 to £156.25 a week was announced by the Department of Health last year and backdated to April 2016 DH ...
Conditions attached to £2bn social care cash revealed
Conditions attached to the additional £2bn for social care announced at the budget have been revealed.
Officials plan new metric to measure patient flow
A new set of metrics is being developed to assess patient flow across the NHS and social care system, Local Government Chronicle reports.
Plan to boost nurse numbers by 2020
NHS England says health service will need more qualified nurses by 2020 NHS will launch fast track two year training programme and focus on retention Health Education England to publish workforce plan in April NHS England has said the health service will need more registered nurses by 2020 ...
The Care Act's prevention duty is far from being fulfilled
Almost two years to the day since the Care Act came into force, its vision of a truly preventative care system still seems a long way off. So why is it so hard to realise this shared vision?
Expert Briefing
Following the Money: The drag beneath the surface
HSJ’s email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black.
HSJ Local
Exclusive: CCG planning for single £340m MCP contract
CCG at heart of MCP vanguard hopes to bring the service under a single contract by 2018 Sunderland CCG is working with the council on how the £340m contract will be procured Health leaders will write a business case on what form the new MCP provider will take ...
£2bn for social care to require hospital focus
Concerns raised over plans to limit spending flexibilities on £2bn
NHS Improvement sets out trust level breakdown for unblocking beds
System leaders set out plans to free up 2,000-3,000 beds using social care cash boost NHS Improvement calculated an “estimate of the number of beds by provider that could be freed up” Funding boost may “not have the intended impact” if trusts do not work with councils See every ...
Councils must agree targets for rapid help to hospitals, say NHS Providers
NHS Providers has urged councils and NHS leaders to agree targets for short term reductions in hospital bed days, after the announcement of £1.2bn extra in social care funding for 2017-18.
The budget brings war and peace to the NHS
Philip Hammond’s first and last spring budget will spark a fierce struggle over how the extra social care funding due next financial year is spent, but it also appears to signal a truce between NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens and the government over NHS funding.
Mr Hammond's big picture is admirable – now let's see the fine print
The Budget finally gave social care some fiscal attention but it won’t be a game changer by itself – here’s what is needed now
Hospitals must be 'lippy' over use of increased social care funding
New social care funding must deliver benefits for the NHS delayed transfers No formal NHS influence over spending in 17/18 Government to publish green paper on future of social care NHS organisations should be vocal in demanding that the extra £1bn committed to social care next year is ...
Spring Budget: What it means for STPs, social care, A&E and devolution
HSJ’s analysis of the budget and its impact on the NHS
Here's how we get the 5YFV back on track
The National Voices coalition of charities is urging the prime minister to salvage the Five Year Forward View with some whole-system planning