All Social care articles – Page 69
HSJ Knowledge
Redesigning reablement: why these services need to focus on patient independence
Reablement services must be designed as a route to greater independence and not reliance on care, says the Social Care Institute for Excellence’s director of adult services David Walden.
Application of liberty safeguards 'inconsistent'
Legislation designed to safeguard people deemed incapable of making decisions is being applied inconsistently across England, figures suggest.
HSJ Local
GPs back specialist nursing post after pressure from charity
WORKFORCE: A specialist Parkinson’s nurse has been secured for West Sussex after an emerging clinical commissioning group previously advised a primary care trust to put recruitment to the post “on hold”.
Learning lessons in mental health care from around the world
A global call for action into mental health research has set out a list of priorities that identify the most pressing challenges to delivering improved mental health care and improving the lives of people with mental health in the UK
The five laws for delivering integrated care
The listening exercise is over and the results are in; the NHS Future Forum insists integrated care must underpin how health and social care is delivered – and they are right. But do we really understand what this means, and what it implies?
HSJ Local
2gether FT reports high rate of delayed transfers
PERFORMANCE: Delayed transfers of care have increased “significantly” at 2gether Foundation Trust due to the lack of availability of social care or housing packages.
250 Southern Cross homes to be rescued
Southern Cross’ largest landlord has announced plans to run 249 of the care homes operated by the collapsed provider.
Public health directors 'expected' to report directly to council chief execs, says DH
The government has confirmed that it “expects” directors of public health to be directly accountable to council chief executives when public health functions transfer to local authorities.
HSJ Local
More than 800 NHS Greater Manchester patients in Southern Cross homes
FINANCE: NHS Greater Manchester either fully or partially funds 838 patients staying in homes run by collapsed care home operator Southern Cross, board papers show.
Southern Cross failure could speed handover of social care regulation to Monitor - Bennett
The collapse of care homes operator Southern Cross is likely to prompt the government to hand healthcare regulator Monitor responsibility for social care “sooner rather than later”, Monitor’s interim chief executive said on Tuesday.
Progress in the community: how TCS has helped community providers
With the Transforming Community Services transfers largely complete, attention turns to realising the benefits this sector of the NHS can now bring. Dr Kate Fallon looks at the progress that has been made.
The difference between what is said, and what is meant
Language is important to get right - there is often a difference between words said, and meaning implied. Between the lines is where the truth lies…
Warning over social care integration 'barriers'
The barriers to integration between health and social care have worsened in the last year, the president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services has said.
Warner: DH resisting Dilnot reforms
The Department of Health is resisting reforms required to implement the fairer system of social care funding demanded by the Dilnot commission, one of the commission’s architects has claimed.
Michael White: the well-intended Dilnot report may fall on deaf ears
Ministers didn’t sound very grateful for Andrew Dilnot’s report on how to solve England’s elderly care problems and, I suspect, eventually those of the devolved Celtic regions too because they have similar money issues with oldsters who stubbornly won’t die.
Fears over mental health gap in commissioning knowledge
Revisions to the Health Bill have failed to address concerns that mental health will be under-represented in commissioning, a trust chief executive has warned.
Dilnot commission confirms cap on care contributions
Andrew Dilnot has confirmed expectations that his commission on funding social care would propose a cap of £35,000 on individual contributions for their care today.
Investment alone is not enough to solve the social care crisis
It is now well established that there is a crisis in social care and that we urgently need more money in the system. But we must also reform the way care services are organised and delivered: a priority that has been absent from recent debate, says IPPR researcher Laura Bradley.
Report says better off should pay £35,000 for elderly care
People with above average savings will be expected to cover at least the first £35,000 of their care in old age under recommendations by a government-commissioned review, it was reported yesterday.
HSJ Knowledge
Negotiating a better pathway for dementia care
A workshop on dementia evolved into the creation of a practical strategy for building a patient and carer-focused dementia service - which could save the health service more than £120m. Healthcare at Home’s group clinical director Ruth Poole explains.