All Social care articles – Page 88

  • News

    PCT campaigns against domestic violence


    Hull teaching primary care trust is to attempt to tackle the problems of domestic violence by using a social marketing campaign aimed at male perpetrators of attacks.

  • News

    Health service can affect health inequalities


    Few would disagree with your point that a reduction in income inequality would help to reduce health inequalities. But few primary care trusts in poor health areas will agree with the idea that the health service can do no more for health inequalities or that the redistribution of health resources ...

  • News

    Ben Bradshaw: NHS top-up debate will never be resolved


    Health minister Ben Bradshaw has said the dilemma of whether to allow co-payments will never be resolved but that a compromise may be found in adjusting the way drug effectiveness is measured.

  • News

    Learning disability housing plans at risk


    The pledge to shut all 'outmoded' NHS homes for adults with learning disabilities by 2010 is at risk, HSJ has learnt. Poor quality local proposals have been blamed for slow progress on the commitment.

  • News

    Mental health takes wrong approach


    The improvements to community mental health services found by the Healthcare Commission are to be commended, but not without a word of caution regarding the 350,000 service users who are shortly to be removed from the care programme approach in the coming months, as they receive only 'standard' rather than ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison healthcare: community spirit and honour among thieves


    A study of prison healthcare has uncovered inmates giving routine care to others who are elderly, vulnerable or ill. It is time this was formally recognised.

  • News

    No problems accessing HPV vaccine


    I would like to clarify that Luton teaching primary care trust does not anticipate problems in providing the HPV (cervical cancer) vaccination to Muslim girls in Luton, despite the programme starting during Ramadan. We have arranged a rolling programme of immunisation that will run throughout the year, and are happy ...

  • News

    Shortfall in care home funding


    An extra £540m is needed to pay for residential care for older people, research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation predicts.

  • News

    The benefits of caring at home


    I was interested to read Ciaran O'Neill's letter on the cost savings and benefits of commissioning acute 'high tech' admission prevention services delivered at home rather than in hospital in Northern Ireland.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated care connections


    The Connected Care project involves healthcare organisations genuinely listening to local people. Paul Dinsdale tunes in

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on tackling social exclusion


    There is a group of people who are chronically excluded from housing, work, relationships and the kinds of activity most people aspire to in 21st century Britain. They exhibit the most complex problems but they can be the most excluded from the very help they need.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get happy: the secret to a healthy old age


    There is clear evidence older people benefit from preventive healthcare. For the fulfilled old age that people want, services must spot depression early and support good diet and mobility

  • Comment

    Gay Lee on the social care debate


    Nurses and social workers know it is impossible to tell where social care ends and healthcare begins. Yet they waste time, effort and money trying to prise them apart - because government policy says they must.

  • News

    Police need help dealing with mentally unwell - Sainsbury Centre


    Police staff should be offered training to help them respond better to people who are having a mental health crisis and take a more active role in diverting them to services, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has said.In a briefing note, the charity also said assessment suites should be ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Super patients should use their powers wisely


    The government is set to empower patients with personal budgets for care, but clear rules must guarantee choices are well informed and cost-effective, say Anna Dixon and Rebecca Ashton

  • News

    NHS organisations should be interested in social care


    I was surprised that the interview with Care Quality Commission chair Baroness Young made no mention of the commission's responsibilities for regulating and inspecting social care provision, including residential homes and home care services. Given the importance of joint working and commissioning between health and social care services, NHS organisations ...

  • News

    Drug treatment link to benefits is concerning


    Bravo, Paul Hayes, for declaring the direct interest of the National Treatment Agency in the green paper on welfare 'reform'.

  • HSJ Partners

    Housing support 'is cost effective'


    Hot on the heels of the Darzi review, the Integrated Care Network has published a study that suggests health and social care investment in housing support is cost-effective and can transform lives.

  • News

    Solihull care trust appoints interim chair


    Jenni Ord has been appointed as interim chairman of Solihull care trust.

  • News

    Joint appointment smooths way for Kingston merger


    Kingston primary care trust and council are consulting on plans to integrate. The PCT and local authority have appointed the first joint director of finance as part of a move to promote greater partnership working.