All Social care articles – Page 90

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Service redesign: fast and effective change


    Susannah Strong looks at the Care Services Improvement Partnership's 10 high impact changes for health and social care

  • News

    New social care research school


    The government today announced the creation of a new national school for social care research.

  • Comment

    Michael White on dementia services


    Being in government is a bit like fighting forest fires, the kind that sweep through tinder-dry acres in countries a lot hotter than ours.

  • News

    Councils could lose social care funds to DWP


    Local councils could be stripped of their control over the 7bn adult social care budget under proposals being explored for the forthcoming social care green paper.

  • Leader

    Vulnerable people's fate must not fall to faceless bureaucracy


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has called for a 'national debate' on how we will meet the needs and costs of an ageing population.

  • News

    Campaign for better stroke care


    Nine out of 10 stroke survivors in England are left unsupported and isolated, according to new figures from the Stroke Association, which today launched an awareness campaign.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Universal protection for vulnerable patients


    Mental capacity advocates should be available to vulnerable patients who need them, but this is not always the case. Georgina Rowley explains the advocates' role

  • News

    Regulator must not ignore social care


    Jo Stephenson's article identifies the concerns that many of us in social care have about the creation of the Care Quality Commission and whether it will become fixated on healthcare priorities.

  • Comment

    Denise Platt on making progress on AIDS


    Since the National AIDS Trust was created 21 years ago, we have seen amazing developments in managing HIV and most people diagnosed with HIV in the UK can now look forward to a long life.

  • News

    Services failed patients who went on to kill, review finds


    Reviews of two killings by people with mental health problems in Wales have found shortcomings in their treatment and care.

  • News

    Brown rethinks social care policy


    Prime minister Gordon Brown has suggested an insurance model may not be a reliable way to fund future social care provision.

  • HSJ Partners

    Guide to integrated working


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership's five networks publish a range of material that sets out to inform and advise people working in health and social care on a range of issues, including integration, personalisation, telecare and housing. Chris Mahony gives an overview of one recent publication below

  • HSJ Partners

    CSIP factsheet on administering medicines


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership's housing learning and improvement network has published an online factsheet to help practitioners, commissioners, care service managers and housing managers in extra care housing deal with issues surrounding administering medicines.

  • News

    Alan Johnson launches national social care debate


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has launched a six-month debate on the future of social care and support services. Regional events will be held to gather views on how to create an affordable system targeted at those most in need.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    View from the floor: dementia services


    Janice Bond is a senior occupational therapist with Sussex Partnership trust. She works on a joint health and social services support scheme for people with dementia

  • News

    Social enterprise investment fund enters round two


    The Department of Health has opened the second round of bidding through its social enterprise investment fund.

  • News

    Self-care principles published


    A set of core principles to support self-care have been published by the Department of Health.Skills for Health and Skills for Care have worked with service users and carers to promote choice, control, independence and participation of people who use services.

  • News

    Lib Dems scrap free social care promise


    The Liberal Democrats have formally ditched their policy of free social care in England. The party has opted instead for a co-payment system based on the one set out by Sir Derek Wanless for the King's Fund.

  • News

    Age Concern survey points to care quality concerns


    Eight out of 10 people are very concerned about the quality of personal care they would get if they needed help with everyday tasks such as getting out of bed, washing and dressing, according to a survey by charity Age Concern.The figure rises to nine out of 10 people aged ...

  • News

    Free Scottish care comes under review


    The Scottish policy on free personal and nursing care is sound but needs better planning for the future to ensure its long-term sustainability, a review has found.The review sets out a 12-point action plan that includes addressing the current funding gap, standardising assessment and delivery and ensuring costs are accurately ...