All Social care articles – Page 93

  • News

    Social care body calls for guidelines on restraining older people


    The use of restraint in the care of older people has been addressed in a new report published by the Commission for Social Care Inspection.

  • News

    NHS money to go on social care


    People receiving social care are to be given control of their own budgets. NHS money will be allocated to councils to spend on social care services to keep people out of hospital.The programme, Putting People First, was set up with the support of six government departments and health and social ...

  • News

    Learning disabilities consultation launched


    A consultation on learning disability policy has been launched by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Bespoke services to help disabled people into work


    A consultation aimed at helping more disabled people into work by improving the specialist employment support available has been launched.The consultation includes proposals to provide a more bespoke service to disabled people.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Networking to improve access to psychological therapies


    The London Development Centre's improving access to psychological therapies network was set up to ensure there was an effective communication strategy to promote knowledge and information across London's health and social care communities.

  • News

    Healthcare Commission slams learning disabilities care


    Services for people with learning disabilities provide poor care, with safety and quality not up to modern standards in even the best services, according to a report by the Healthcare Commission.The report says that although staff were committed to services, service users were often deprived of their human rights and ...

  • News

    Alzheimer's patients need more social contact, report says


    People with dementia who live in care homes typically spend two minutes in every six hours socially interacting with other people, according to research from the Alzheimer's Society.

  • News

    Proposal to cut benefits to pay for care


    Support for Sir Derek Wanless's proposals for a new social care funding system is growing and attention is now shifting to cutting a £3.7bn benefits bill to help pay for it.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Geriatric medicine: changing staff attitudes


    Too many NHS staff are prone to ageism and reluctant to work with the elderly. In an ageing population, it's time they changed their attitudes, says David Oliver

  • News

    The answer to the age-old question of social care funding


    The current adult social care system penalises people who have saved all their lives, but how will the government rectify this without breaking the bank? A coalition of 15 bodies believes it has pointed the way, as Niall Dickson of the King's Fund explains

  • News

    Health and Social Care Bill published


    New legislation designed to modernise and bring together health and social care services was launched by health minister Ben Bradshaw today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Joint working: health and local government


    All eyes are on Chris Bull as he becomes the first person in the country to head up both a council and PCT. Jennifer Taylor reports on a revolution in joined-up working in Herefordshire

  • News

    Care services minister to host social care web chat


    Care services minister Ivan Lewis will hold a web chat tomorrow at 2pm about the Department of Health's Dignity in Care campaign, how to champion social care and how to recruit more staff to the sector.

  • News

    social care eligibility


    One in 10 councils are planning to tighten their eligibility criteria for access to care services next year. 15 out of 150 councils told the Commission for Social Care Inspection that they will limit the number of disabled and elderly people receiving care services, Mencap has learned. It also discovered ...

  • News

    Social care council chair remains


    Sir Rodney Brooke is to remain as chair of the General Social Care Council until 31 October 2008.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Supporting older people after discharge


    A co-ordinated approach between healthcare agencies, housing associations and local authorities can make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable older people after they leave hospital, as Judy Peaker explains.

  • News

    Social care green paper: meeting the long-term care challenge


    The government has still not answered crucial questions over its plans for long-term care of the elderly. With an ageing population, how will it fund a system set to cost a lot more? And will people still have to sell their homes to fund care? Mark Gould reports

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    Improving nutritional care


    New guidance on improving nutritional care has been published by the Department of Health and the Nutrition Summit stakeholder group.

  • News

    Long-term care reforms will seek fairer system


    The government's review of long-term care could shift the balance of payment between the individual and the state.

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on the spending review's hidden shallows


    Although comprehensive spending review negotiations consume hundreds of person years in Whitehall, this effort is largely pointless, argues Simon Stevens