All Social care articles – Page 96

  • News

    Study probes mental health in the workplace


    A new report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and Active Health Partners claims that mental ill health is the second largest cause of time lost due to sickness absence in UK organisations.

  • Comment

    Emma Dent's Malawi diary


    When HSJ senior features writer Emma Dent was asked to join an Oxfam and Unison delegation to poverty-stricken Malawi, she got a lot more than she bargained. Read her day-by-day account of the trip here.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on improving crisis services


    'One of the most visible differences in mental health services today compared with the 1990s is the development of crisis resolution teams'

  • News

    David Lock on continuing care liability


    'The dividing line between healthcare and social care has been the subject of numerous legal cases, endless guidance, appeals to and reports by the parliamentary ombudsman and more than a few scratched managers' heads over the years'

  • News

    New guidance to support parents with learning disabilities


    The Department of Health has today published good practice guidance on how children's and adults' services should improve joint working to deliver more support for parents with learning disabilities.

  • News

    Former NHS chief heads disability inquiry


    Former chief executive of Guy's and St Thomas' foundation trust Sir Jonathan Michael is to chair an independent inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities, health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced. The investigation follows charity Mencap's March report into the death of six people with learning disabilities.

  • News

    Partnership working needs financial conviction


    'Anxious to move on from rows over cost-shunting, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services has pledged to champion partnership working, pooled budgets and joint commissioning'

  • News

    Joint working is key to cash fight, says social care boss


    Health and social care must work more closely together to provide a health service fit for the future, according to the president of the newly formed Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.

  • News

    Staff cuts in social care 'not affecting patients'


    The overall number social services staff has dropped in England but care has not suffered, according to figures from researchers at the Information Centre for health and social care.However, the number of social workers employed by local councils increased in 2006, compared with 2005.

  • News

    Legal briefing: staying in bed


    Delayed discharge can be caused when clinically well patients refuse to go home. In such circumstances, what is the legal position for trusts faced with coercing patients to leave? Ian Long explains

  • News

    Blocked psychiatric beds cost £110m a year


    Around 2,500 patients at any time are stuck on psychiatric wards when they should be getting some form of community care. A Department of Health report leaked to HSJ reveals poor planning and liaison between health and social care are responsible for the delayed discharges.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Death in America: improving end-of-life care


    Caring for dying the biggest challenge facing the NHS, which can learn from the US, say Richard Smith and colleagues

  • News

    Hospice funding criteria to change


    The eligibility criteria for hospice funding have been updated for the financial year 2007-08.The new criteria include registration with the Commission for Social Care Inspection or other independent evidence as an indicator of the of quality and safety of the service.Click here for more information

  • News

    Cautious backing for vulnerable mothers scheme


    Health visitors have given a cautious thumbs-up to government plans to help vulnerable mothers.Prime minister Tony Blair and social exclusion secretary Hilary Armstrong will today outline plans to give troubled first-time mothers intensive support by health visitors during the first two years of their baby's life.But trade union Amicus is ...

  • News

    Blueprint for social care announced


    Social care minister Ivan Lewis has launched a five-point plan for developing 21st century social care. The measures follow a report commissioned by Mr Lewis from Dame Denise Platt on the state of social care.The package includes a skills academy focused on 'world-class leadership and commissioning'.Read more here

  • News

    Government publishes obesity toolkit


    An obesity toolkit containing practical tips and information has been launched by the Department of Health to help people improve their health.With almost a quarter of the adult population now classified as obese and with the proportion of obese children rising by more than 40 per cent from 1995-2004, the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Single web page for health and social care information


    This is a new page in the resources section of the NHS Networks website.

  • News

    Call for joint posts to ease tension


    More senior manager joint appointments are needed to help curb growing tensions between health and local government about cost-shunting, a primary care network has said.

  • News

    Asset-sharing will limit the scope for dispute between the NHS and local government


    'The commissioning process must have an injection of public involvement at every stage but particularly at the very beginning when need is assessed'

  • News

    Flexible working guidance for carers and employers


    The charities Working Families and Help the Hospices are to publish guidance on flexible working.The publications, one aimed at employers and one at carers for the terminally ill will be available from 5 April, to tie in with the new Work and Families Act, which comes into force next month.Read ...