All Social care articles – Page 97

  • News

    Pandemic flu guidelines published for social care


    The Department of Health has published guidelines for dealing with an influenza pandemic.The guidelines, for social care staff and volunteers, is supplementary to the revised national framework on responding to a flu pandemic.Read the guidance here

  • News

    Government envisions a budget for every patient


    Individual budgets as piloted in social care could be used in healthcare, according to the government's Commissioning framework for health and well being.

  • News

    New campaign to encourage social care careers


    The Department of Health has launched a campaign to boost the number of people taking up a career in social care. The campaign aims to attract applicants to the social care sector, which needs thousands of new recruits each year.The adverts on TV, radio and press break new ground in ...

  • News

    Consultation on working with children launched


    The Nursing and Midwifery Council, the General Social Care Council and the General Teaching Council for England have called a consultation on working with children and young people.The councils have produced a joint statement setting out values for effective inter-professional work, and are seeking views on the statement from young ...

  • News

    Smoking cessation statistics released


    The Information Centre for health and social care has released statistics on NHS stop smoking services in England for April to September 2006.It has also released General Practices Quality and Outcomes Framework 2005-06: exception reporting summaries for England and community care statistics for 2005-06.Read more here

  • News

    Health and Social Care Awards winners named


    Twelve teams from NHS and social care organisations across England picked up prizes at the 2006 Health and Social Care Awards on Monday.The winners were chosen from more than 1,500 entrants whose innovation and ideas with others in the health and social care field was

  • News

    After Eden, things look rosy in the social enterprise garden


    With the possible exception of the Houses of Parliament, there are few places you could expect to encounter four government ministers and a member of the shadow cabinet in the space of less than six hours.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: can non-NHS bodies access the NHS pension scheme?


    Our legal experts guide you through the pension implications for companies taking on NHS services

  • News

    Social care spend up 10 per cent


    Spending on public sector social care services for adults and children rose by 10 per cent over the past two years to reach £19.3bn in 2005-06, according to the Information Centre for health and social care.Spending on services for adults and older people, which accounts for 74 per cent of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How Louth looks after older patients with mental health needs


    Louth County Hospital's in-reach team combines mental and physical healthcare for older patients, to reduce pressure on hospital beds and promote independence.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What social enterprise can do for healthcare


    A social enterprise is often defined as a business that trades with a social or environmental purpose. It is not driven by profit, and reinvests surpluses back into the organisation or community.

  • News

    Campaign to bring cold comfort for older people


    The Department of Health is using tomorrow's St Hilary's day - the coldest day of the year, according to folklore - to raise the profile of its Keep Warm Keep Well campaign. It offers advice to older people, disabled people, those on low incomes and anyone else who needs it ...

  • News

    More families paying for their own social care


    Individuals and families are increasingly having to find and pay for their own care, says the Commission for Social Care Inspection in a report published today.The State of Social Careaims to provide a complete picture of social care for children and adults across the public, voluntary and private sectors.It found ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sounding off


    With the incidence of mental illness among deaf people high and specialised services almost non-existent, getting help can be difficult. Emma Dent explores the gaps in care

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Power of two


    A new bill will oblige councils and primary care trusts to work together. In a joint feature with Local Government Chronicle, Kaye McIntosh asks how it will work in practice

  • News

    Inside track: social services


    What's on managers' minds this week

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    Old is not ill


    With more and more people living longer, the health service and its partners must address some communities' low expectations on quality of life, says Claire Laurent

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    Work together to lessen the gap


    Local government can play a key role in improving the quality of people's lives. Achieving this requires stronger partnerships at local level and aligning incentives for health inequalities

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS and local government: friends and relations


    HSJ 'Managers make the difference' campaign: HSJ's campaign charter stresses the responsibility and capacity of NHS managers to engage stakeholders outside the NHS. To mark the launch of an exclusive briefing paper, Colleen Shannon looks at the complex relationship with local government and MPs

  • News

    No fence for LINks


    Funding for local involvement networks will not be ringfenced, the government has announced. In its response to consultation to its July proposal to establish the networks, the Department of Health said that funding to local authorities would be 'allocated as a targeted but not ringfenced grant'.