All South Central articles – Page 63

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tongue twisters


    English language training opportunities that assist access to and performance in healthcare jobs are under threat, says Paul Gander

  • News

    Noises off


    news focus

  • News

    Breakfast with frost?


    The new NHS Confederation leader Gill Morgan is confident of winning friends and influencing people, but will she 'have the balls to slag off Milburn on the Today programme'? Ann McGauran met her

  • News

    Avon chief executive leaves post warning of tough times


    Published: 06/12/2001, Volume III, No. 5784 Page 5

  • News

    Penalty kicks


    The dispersal of asylum seekers around the country under the terms of the new Immigration and Asylum Act will make it harder than ever for them to access medical services. Barbara Millar reports