South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust – Page 825

  • Lance mc carthy2
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust appoints successor to Phil Morley


    Former Hinchingbrooke chief executive succeeds controversial chief at special measures trust Lance McCarthy led Hinchingbrooke out of special measures before its merger with Peterborough Princess Alex was rated inadequate and placed in special measures last year Troubled Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust has appointed a successor to its controversial ...

  • Cardiac surgery

    Exclusive: Delay to major national hospital reconfiguration


    NHS England extends consultation period for congenital heart disease review Public events planned for venues around the country next month have been cancelled Final decision could be pushed back until early next year A controversial decision on the future of congenital heart surgery across England has been further ...

  • Older person's hands

    MPs criticise Stevens over better care fund 'accountability'


    MPs find the Better Care Fund had not saved money, reduced emergency admissions to hospitals, or reduced delayed transfers of care

  • Lord Carter

    Government adviser backs 'wrecking ball' ruthlessness on estates


    Lord Carter says some community hospitals need to be made “bigger” He is leading a review of efficiency at community and mental health providers Cited American army’s ”wreckingball” strategy as an example of effective estates rationalisation programme Many community hospitals are “too small” and cost too much to keep open, ...

  • GP receptionist

    ‘Serious concern’ over new GP contracts going to private firms


    BMA has “serious concerns” about local GP groups losing out on GP access contracts CCGs must procure extended GP access services NHS England said it encourages practices to form organisations “capable” of bidding for service contracts The British Medical Association has expressed “significant concern” about “local GP-led groups” ...

  • John Adler
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Trust chief pledges to get back on track after opening £48m A&E


    John Adler says his trust will hit the four hour target 95 per cent of the time by the end of 2018 University Hospitals of Leicester must address capacity deficit of 105 beds Mr Adler says trust has no more plans to restrict elective treatment University Hospitals of ...

  • woman with a cold

    Hospital trust tops sickness absence table for fourth year in a row


    South Tyneside FT has highest staff sickness absence rate of any acute trust for fourth consecutive year Southport and Ormskirk has second highest for second year in a row North West region has highest rate nationally A hospital trust has topped the staff sickness absence rate table for ...

  • Informal group meeting

    Flagship service hits recovery target for first time


    Flagship talking therapy service hits target for first time since its launch in 2008 Improving access to psychological therapies achieved a 50.1 per cent recovery rate in January 2017, just above the 50 per cent target IAPT is a key element of the Five Year Forward View for Mental ...

  • Computer monitors

    Daily Insight: Tech fails and election announcements


    HSJ’s round-up of the day’s essential health stories

  • Generic pie chart

    Revealed: Vanguards must give funding to STPs


    NHS England sets conditions on final year of vanguard funding Vanguard sites required to give 10 per cent of their funding to STPs Areas told to embed new care model frameworks by December NHS England has set out four conditions on vanguard funding including the requirement to dedicate ...

  • Computer data
    HSJ Local

    Trust raises alarm after Lorenzo glitch fails to send 14,000 patient letters


    Electronic patient administration system fails to send appointments to nearly 14,600 patients Ten patients wait more than 52 weeks Lorenzo supplier installs “fix” to address problem A teaching trust has alerted NHS Digital after an IT design fault meant more than 14,000 patients were not sent appointment letters.

  • Maggie Oldham
    HSJ Local

    New chief executive for recent special measures trust


    An NHS manager who oversaw the dissolution of Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust has been appointed interim chief executive of England’s only integrated acute, community, mental health, and ambulance care provider.

  • Richard Taunt

    People, not process: knowing how to collaborate


    Richard Taunt offers three ideas on achieving smarter collaboration across providers

  • Jon Ashworth

    Election 2017: Labour pledges 'new law' for NHS safe staffing


    If Labour wins the general election it will bring in a “new law” to make safe staffing legally enforceable and ask NICE to recommence its work Party will lift the 1 per cent pay increase cap for NHS staff and set pay levels that “reflect the complexity of the ...

  • Elections

    Daily Insight: Election pushes back key tech policy


    The must read stories and talking points in health policy

  • Garrett Emmerson
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust appoints new chief executive


    London Ambulance Service Trust has appointed a new chief executive to succeed acting chief Andrew Grimshaw, who will leave in June.

  • X ray
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Trust's X-ray system down for days following 'major' IT failure


    Barts Health Trust experienced “major” IT failure over weekend Trust limited requests for pathology and imaging services following problems with computer equipment Hospital porters hand delivered urgent test results Trust’s pathology system back online but issues continue with imaging services Imaging services at one of the largest trusts ...

  • naylor_robert

    NHS land deals could raise billions, second Naylor review finds


    Sir Robert Naylor says five London estates schemes have a potential value of more than £1bn each Housing associations interested in NHS staff leasing homes built on NHS land Five land redevelopments on NHS property in London are worth more than a £1bn each, Sir Robert Naylor revealed ...

  • Cumbria

    How Cumbria strove for new heights in healthcare


    The combination of a success regime and the dawn of sustainability and transformation plans has started to address the shortcomings in Cumbria’s services, writes Alison Moore

  • Town hall sign
    HSJ Local

    Inadequate CCG 'disintegrates' joint commissioning with council


    Deloitte review finds “lack of strategy” and “joined up commissioning” between Walsall CCG and local authority CCG, which is under legal directions, “disintegrates” joint commissioning unit with council as result of review CCG’s interests “not always met” by joint commissioning arrangement A West Midlands clinical commissioning group, currently ...