All South West articles – Page 104

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maternity services and breastfeeding: a lot of bottle


    Unicef estimates four in 10 English maternity hospitals make no effort to encourage more mums to breastfeed. Daloni Carlisle asks what can be done to get them on board

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Workforce planning: a menu of skills


    The failure to plan the staffing needs of the NHS adequately has prompted the creation of a menu of training and resources to boost workers' skills

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on how to foster organisational development


    When I moved from Scotland to England some colloquialisms did not travel well while some enjoyed a more universal understanding. One phrase that did travel well is 'walking the talk', the importance of actually doing what you said you would do - the mark of good management and leadership

  • News

    Health profile: experts say child obesity targets may miss the point


    New targets to spur on efforts to tackle the nation's worst public health problems may not work, experts have warned.

  • News

    Don't blame the weatherman


    Although it may feel like there will be no discernable change in the weather from summer to winter this year, make no mistake shifts in temperature can have a serious impact on the Nation's health.As primary care trusts and GPs continue to work out ways to keep costly hospital admissions ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staff engagement: getting it right


    After 18 months running the out-of-hours GP service in Cornwall, services company Serco has learned some valuable lessons about training and staff engagement

  • News

    Disability watchdog names and shames SHAs


    The NHS is failing to tackle disability discrimination, with strategic health authorities among the worst culprits, according to a watchdog.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on local leadership


    All leaders, even those at the most local level, must demonstrate knowledge and passion in order to bring about real transformation, writes Maggie Rae

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infection control: middle of a chain reaction


    By making the most of partnership working, new technologies and ongoing vigilance, Plymouth Hospitals trust was able to make great strides in the fight against infection

  • News

    nib 3


    The Independent Reconfiguration Panel has recommended that Gloucestershire Partnership foundation trust, Gloucestershire primary care trust and Gloucestershire County Council work closely to strengthen older people 's community mental health services and community mental health teams.Chair of the IRP, Dr Peter Barrett said: 'The issue of the location of inpatient services ...

  • News

    New deputy chairman for BMA


    A new deputy chairman has been appointed to the council of the British Medical Association. Dr Kate Bullen is an associate specialist anaesthetist who works at the North Bristol trust's Frenchay Hospital.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison mental healthcare: developing cultural competence


    Link workers are enhancing mental healthcare for black and ethic minority prisoners.One such person, community development worker Irfan Mohammed, acts as a link worker for prisoners in Dorset.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Telehealth takes off


    Telehealth's time may finally have come, with three demonstrator sites spending £12m on the technology to help patients manage their conditions, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Green shoots of recovery


    In the last of our series on organisational turnaround, we peer through the breaks in the clouds around two once-troubled trusts

  • News

    Unresolved inquiries - breakdown by strategic health authority

    2007-08-22T00:00:00Z's investigation found there are 27 outstanding cases where recommendations following a murder or manslaughter by a mental health patient have not yet been fully implemented.

  • News

    SHAs' £117m training raid attacked


    Strategic health authorities are raiding over £117m from this year's training budgets, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    DoH orders review into £257m diagnosis contract


    A massive diagnostics contract with the private sector has been delayed. because of concerns about quality and administrative procedures.

  • Comment

    Consistency and agreement are needed to spread success


    'The MPs' committee calls for lessons learned from the turnaround programme to be shared. But evidence for its effectiveness is opaque'.

  • Comment

    Unity will unlock gateway to success


    Sir Ian Carruthers' two-month review of England's reconfiguration proposals urges much greater co-ordination of effort - a more united front to replace a series of skirmishes.

  • News

    Carruthers sets reconfiguration recommendations


    NHS South West chief executive Sir Ian Carruthers has completed a report on recommended processes for local NHS reconfigurations.The findings are outlined in a letter to strategic health authorities from NHS chief executive David Nicholson.Read the letter here