All South articles – Page 2
Trust chair leaves after less than a year in post
An ambulance trust chair is leaving after just 10 months to take up an as-yet-unspecified executive role elsewhere in the NHS.
Expert Briefing
Patient Safety Watch: Winter returns with a vengeance
HSJ hosts the Patient Safety Watch newsletter, written by Patient Safety Watch chief executive James Titcombe
Patient transport service failing on most fronts, data reveals
A company providing patient transport services across an integrated care system has massively underperformed against key indicators, HSJ can reveal.
Trust rapped for ‘irregular’ £116k payment to outgoing CEO
An NHS trust has been reprimanded by the public spending watchdog after it paid its departing chief executive more than £100,000 without prior Treasury sign-off.
Region targets prescription cuts under ‘enormous financial pressure’
All but one of a region’s integrated care boards have stopped prescribing gluten-free products to save money, with a charity saying the move will exacerbate inequalities and risk “debilitating symptoms”.
Troubled trust fails to recruit chair for a year
A troubled trust has been without a permanent chair for a year and is likely to wait several more months, HSJ has learned.
Trust signs 10-year deal despite ‘deplorable’ comments by firm’s CEO
An IT firm whose CEO was caught making racist and misogynistic comments has won a significant new NHS contract with a trust that stated it had “not taken this decision lightly”.
Trust faces legal action after admin and IT failures cause ‘severe harm’
Fourteen patients suffered severe harm and 20 moderate harm after they were “lost to follow-up” by a hospital trust, it has admitted.
NHSE deputy to join ICB
One of NHS England’s national finance team is leaving to join an integrated care board.
ICB chief goes full-time at NHS England
The chief executive of an integrated care system is moving to work for NHS England full time, for an unspecified period.
HSJ Local
Mental health nurse appointed trust CEO
A trust has appointed a mental health nurse as its permanent chief executive, after he held the post in an interim capacity for over a year.
‘Safety concerns’ over provider with £500m new contracts
A patient transport company which is taking over contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds is grappling with concerns about service performance and risk to patients.
Ambulance response time hits two-year low
Ambulance response times for incidents including elderly people falling rose to the highest level in two years in November.
Former NHSE director to chair three trusts
The chair of an integrated care board in the south west is set to step down and take on a similar role at two trusts in a neighbouring system.
New care model triggers surge in demand
Overhauling a community mental health service has led to a sharp increase in referrals – sometimes seven times higher than before – and long waiting lists.
Plan for first ambulance group revealed
Two ambulance trusts are planning to form a group next year.
ICS told to bring in consultants to cut spending
Another integrated care system has been ordered to bring in consultants to find ways to make further savings.
‘Quiet’ trust seeks ‘better brand awareness’
A specialist trust is seeking “better brand awareness” and more partnerships with other providers, as part of a new strategy as a standalone organisation.
Best and worst trusts on maternity experience revealed by CQC
The trusts where maternity experience has improved the most and deteriorated the furthest have been revealed by the Care Quality Commission.
1,500 patients may need retest over potential results error
Hundreds of patients are being contacted over potentially incorrect results at a second NHS trust, as more laboratories report concerns over diabetes tests, HSJ understands.