All South articles – Page 9
Half trust’s staff told CQC they had ‘no confidence’ in its leaders
More than half of a trust’s staff told the Care Quality Commission they did not have confidence in its executive leadership, with just 16 per cent saying they did, the regulator has reported.
Exclusive: NHSE crackdown on 10-hour ambulance delays
NHS England has launched a new crackdown on trusts it says have a ‘management strategy’ to hold patients in the back of ambulances to cope with emergency pressures inside their hospitals, HSJ has learned.
Core bed numbers fall in seven systems, despite NHSE plan
The number of ‘core’ acute beds has fallen in seven health systems since the summer, according to official sitrep data.
56% of staff leave ‘relentless’ jobs within a year
A trust has found that more than half its new call handlers quit within a year of starting, and a third within six months — with ‘health’ being given as the main reason.
HSJ Local
Trust reviewing 100,000 patients put ‘on hold’
A trust is reviewing more than 100,000 patients on its outpatient lists, after concerns emerged that some had ‘been lost whilst on hold’ for follow-up appointments.
HSJ Local
Only half of trusts’ staff were trained ahead of troubled IT go-live
Only half of staff across two acute trusts were fully trained in the use of a new electronic patient record before its introduction, which led to disruption and patient harm, HSJ can reveal.
Trust which had three ‘catastrophic’ IT failures in two years still at ‘high risk’
A trust which suffered three major IT failures in the space of two years was let down by poor leadership and governance, an external review has found.
Trust chief executive quits to take job in Qatar
The chief executive of one of England’s biggest trusts is to leave after being headhunted for a senior leadership role in the Middle Eastern state of Qatar.
NHSE warns widely used EPR could pose ‘serious risks to patient safety’
NHS England has issued a national alert to all trusts providing maternity services after faults were discovered in IT software that could pose “potential serious risks to patient safety”.
Twenty ICBs to control specialised services from April
Integrated care boards in three out of seven NHS regions will take over budgets for 59 specialised services from April, although the commissioning staff will remain employed by NHS England for another year.
North West gets biggest share of emergency care fund
The government has announced 54 areas getting a share of a £40m fund to help with urgent and emergency care this winter, with the North West receiving nearly four times as much as a neighbouring region.
Stiffer stroke target introduced – despite failure to meet old standard
The failure of trusts to offer stroke patients the level of rehab required by standards introduced 10 years ago has not prevented the publication of new guidance which demands even higher performance.
Trust directors guilty of ‘significant failure’ in not preventing abuse of 101 bodies in mortuary
The leadership of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust has been told to ‘reflect’ on the ‘weaknesses and failings’ which contributed to a maintenance supervisor being able to sexually violate more than 100 bodies in hospital mortuaries over a period of at least 15 years.
ICS resets decision making to accelerate ‘new model of care’
An integrated care system is creating two new provider collaboratives, overhauling its ‘place’ leadership, and promising to create 16 integrated neighbourhood teams.
Revealed: Official data masking long waits for the sickest patients
Several trusts are failing to admit their sickest emergency patients in a timely fashion, despite performing well in official waiting time statistics, HSJ can reveal.
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: The only way is reconfiguration
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
Revealed: The worst trusts for long discharge delays
The trusts with the most patients waiting at least a week after they are ‘ready’ to be discharged can be identified for the first time, following publication of new NHS England data.
Autistic patient trapped in hospital ward for four months due to system failures
Two young people facing mental health crises were left on paediatric wards for months while different agencies across a health system struggled to find appropriate placements.
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: Baby steps again on specialised services
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
Expert Briefing
The Download: Crunch time for NHSE’s controversial data scheme
The fortnightly newsletter that unpacks system leaders’ priorities for digital technology and the impact they are having on delivering health services. This week written by senior correspondent Nicholas Carding. Contact HSJ in confidence here.