All Specialised commissioning articles – Page 10

  • CT Brain scan

    Charity warnings over clinical reference group cuts


    Chief executives of The Brain Tumour Charity and Sarcoma UK raise concerns cuts will “dilute” specialist knowledge Neurological Alliance and British Kidney Patients Association warn reducing groups’ membership will impact ability to represent patients NHS England plans to cut half of clinical reference groups and reduce clinical and patients ...

  • Mental health bed

    NHS England gives up control of specialist mental health commissioning


    NHS England is to relinquish control of tertiary mental health services to selected local areas in a bid to tackle disconnected commissioning and the controversial practice of sending patients long distances from their home for treatment.

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England finds £156m to help boost DH bottom line


    NHS England sets aside £156m of reserves and underspends to help boost DH bottom line This has driven an increase in its forecast underspend to £295m Prime minister’s access fund and primary care transformation fund are among programmes expected to underspend Move part of concerted national effort to prevent ...

  • Scales

    CCGs 'unprepared' for specialised surgery handover


    Clinicians raise concerns with Jeremy Hunt after survey finds two thirds of CCGs have taken no action to prepare for transfer of obesity surgery commissioning Only 12 per cent of CCGs aware of post-surgery “follow up protocols”. Lack of follow up can be fatal Transfer delayed for a second ...

  • Surgery

    NHS England to cut clinical reference groups by half


    Clinical reference groups to be cut from 71 to 38 Clinical representatives to be reduced from 14 per group to four, and patient representatives from four to two NHS England says move aims to ensuring “greater alignment of clinical advisory structures” NHS England has proposed to reduce the ...

  • Paul Baumann

    Baumann looks for new savings to help DH's bottom line


    NHS England bosses look for extra savings in light of the predicted provider deficit CCG sector forecasts year-end deficit of £51.3m NHS England commissioning was overspent in first eight months of the 2015-16 NHS England has revealed it is actively looking for new savings beyond its planned surplus ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: 'Specialised services need additional investment'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens told Jeremy Hunt specialised services were unaffordable in their current form, papers released today reveal.

  • Surgical scissors

    Plans to increase specialised services 'top ups' next year are dropped


    New payments for specialised cancer, cardiac and respiratory services will not be introduced next year Comes after decision to delay implementation of a new currency framework until 2017-18 NHS England to continue analysing and explaining the proposed changes Planning guidance also confirms suspension of ‘marginal rate’ for specialised services ...

  • Surgeon, surgery, surgical tools,

    'Substantial risk' to specialised care budget, NHS England warns


    NHS England warns of high risk that specialised services budgets will be signficantly overspent Due to ‘stream’ of new, expensive treatments Managing this could involve slowing the adoption or spreading the costs of new treatments It could also involve managing demand, including through a focus on variation in use ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Tariff proposals will not include marginal rate for specialised services


    Providers would be required to buy high cost devices through a central price list “Sustainability fund” could be linked to performance on Carter review, agency spend and avoidable mortality Up to £500m of local capital-to-revenue transfers expected, on top of those at a national level Some areas indicating a ...

  • CT Brain scan

    Patient group fears national clinical director cut


    Neurological Alliance warns NHS England against “removal or demotion” of national clinical director for adult neurology Charity also urges it to protect intelligence network and strategic clinical networks for neurology HSJ revealed last month that NHS England is considering cuts to 23 director roles If NHS England cuts ...

  • Syringe

    Exclusive: NHS England attempts to halt judicial review in drug funding row


    NHS England faces threat of judicial review over refusal to fund treatment for teenager DH and NHS England are funding Xyrem for hundreds of other narcolepsy patients Lawyers argue the decision is unlawful and discriminatory NHS England has asked doctors to resubmit a bid for funding to treat ...

  • child_accident_emergency_surgery_intubation_paediatrics.jpg

    'Top-ups' for specialised services to rise, but paediatrics to lose out


    Top-up payments for specialised services would increase by more than a third under new tariff proposals, but would be slashed by more than half in paediatrics.

  • GP and patient

    Primary care underspend to boost NHS England’s bottom line


    Primary care underspend to help balance overspending on hospital care This follows overall decline in primary care spending as a proportion of total Murray: “Hardly helpful” for success of Five Year Forward View NHS England’s underspending against its primary care budgets will help improve its bottom line in ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens sets five NHS 'tests' for government spending review


    Simon Stevens has set ‘five tests’ for whether the government’s spending review meets the NHS’s needs, including ‘front-loaded investment’, to fund the changes set out in the Five Year Forward View.

  • Southampton General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    New review backs long standing vascular centralisation proposal


    STRUCTURE: Vascular services in south Hampshire should be concentrated in a specialist centre at University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust, an expert review has concluded.

  • hospital operation patient safety 3

    Analysed: The biggest NHS providers of specialised services


    University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust saw the largest increase in its specialised services income last year, new information obtained by HSJ reveals.

  • Tim Kelsey

    Exclusive: Tim Kelsey to leave NHS England


    Tim Kelsey, one of NHS England’s most high profile board members, is leaving the organisation to take a new job in Australia.

  • Financial spreadsheets

    Analysis: Overall CCG surplus plan masks regional disparity


    Clinical commissioning groups in England have planned for a combined surplus of £358m in 2015-16, which is less than half the surplus reported last year.

  • Alastair Mclellan - Innovators

    Ministers take high risk bets on debt, pay restraint and reform


    This summer has been anything but quiet