All Specialised commissioning articles – Page 8

  • Barts

    Analysis: The biggest providers of specialised services


    HSJ analysis of NHS England data shows Barts Health Trust had largest increase in its specialised services income in 2015-16 University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust moves from fourth to ninth biggest specialised provider after cardiac transfer to Barts No evidence of significant consolidation of specialised services in 2015-16 ...

  • Iss 0893 03440
    HSJ Knowledge

    The value of putting care in the right place


    Shifting care from the acute sector into the community has the greatest potential for improving quality while reducing costs but investment is still lacking

  • British Army

    Bids open to provide army veteran mental health services


    Mental health providers are being offered the chance to bid to develop and provide services to support armed forces veterans.

  • Ultrasound

    CCGs asked to ensure fetal medicine access following HSJ investigation


    Clinical commissioning groups have been asked about their arrangements for ensuring women and their babies have access to fetal medicine services, after an HSJ investigation raised concerns babies were “dying unnecessarily” because of a flawed funding system.

  • Oxford
    HSJ Local

    Mental health trusts lay out plans for new commissioning powers


    Oxford and Thames Valley outlines new care model for low and medium secure adult mental health services Consortium aims to take control of £80m-90m budget from NHS England to run services across five STP and 23 CCG areas Slice of £1.8m NHS England pilot investment to be used to ...

  • Surgical tools

    Marginal rate for specialised services shelved again


    NHS England and NHS Improvement have again shelved the introduction of a marginal rate Regulators twice previously aimed to introduce the measure New proposals include increases to top-up payments for specialised services, including for cardiac, respiratory and cancer services Regulators have again shelved plans for a marginal rate ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England loses HIV drug judicial review


    NHS England has lost a judicial review about whether it has the power to commission a preventative HIV drug.

  • IVF
    HSJ Local

    More South East CCGs plan cuts to IVF services


    Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG and West Suffolk CCG consult on whether to decommission NHS funded IVF treatment Infertility charity claims Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG reduced IVF services without a public consultation COMMISSIONING: Ipswich and East Suffolk and West Suffolk clinical commissioning groups have announced plans to cut ...

  • London

    Six areas take on new mental health commissioning powers


    Six areas chosen to take on new commissioning powers for tertiary mental health services Providers were invited to submit bids to NHS England by the middle of June A key aim of the pilot is to reduce the number of patients going to out of area beds Six ...

  • Scales of Justice

    NHS England blames HIV legal action for new treatments delay


    NHS England says it cannot guarantee funding for 18 new services until outcome of judicial review on HIV prevention Jonathan Fielden says legal action “preventing us confirming the new opportunities for so many” Charity behind judicial review insists delays “of the NHS’s own making” NHS England has blamed ...

  • Cardiac surgery

    Three trusts set to lose specialist heart surgery


    NHS England announces winners and losers in which trusts provide congenital heart defect services Central Manchester, Royal Brompton and Leicester set to have work transferred to other sites Swathe of trust to cease “occasional” procedures after NHS England sets out new standards Work follows 15 years of conflict between ...

  • University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

    Trust will use 'all means at our disposal' to fight service closure


    Leicester and Royal Brompton promise to challenge NHS England plans to reconfigure congenital heart disease services NHS England decision would see both trusts lose most complex “level one” proceedures The trusts warn that the loss would destabilise other key services Two trusts that stand to lose services under ...

  • Breast cancer radiology

    Winners and losers of specialist radiotherapy contracts revealed


    NHS England announces seven year contracts for stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy Change aims to increase access to services and cutting per patient cost of treatments East and North Hertfordshire Trust to be decommissioned NHS England has announced which organisations have won contracts under its overhaul of specialist radiotherapy ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    NHS England directors warn STPs neglecting mental health could be rejected


    Two of NHS England’s national directors have insisted sustainability and transformation plans should be rejected if they cannot show how they would improve mental health services.

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    High court judge intervenes in NHS England drug decision


    A High Court judge has criticised NHS England for refusing to fund a drug for a teenager with an exceptional illness and suggested it should also make the drug more widely available.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: Fair shares and robot wars


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • Ultrasound

    Case studies: Mismanagement of fetal medicine patients' care


    The letter from fetal medicine units in London contains anecdotal evidence from the capital and across the country of patients being mismanaged and in some circumstances experiencing harm as a result.

  • Ultrasound

    Exclusive: Babies 'dying unnecessarily' due to flawed funding system


    Flawed system for funding fetal medicine leading to “morbidity and mortality” among women and babies, doctors warn London units have identified multiple cases of “avoidable harm” because of change in referral patterns Specialist units losing money as less than 10 per cent of bills for referrals being paid ...

  • Da Vinci robot
    HSJ Local

    Temporary solution in Lancashire hospitals' robot wars


    NHS England agrees to commission robotic surgery from East Lancashire Hospitals Trust Commissioners say equipment purchased by the trust could be moved elsewhere as part of an ongoing review Trust says urology robot has improved services for patients across the county ACUTE CARE: NHS England has agreed to ...

  • IVF embryologist centrifuge
    HSJ Local

    Bedfordshire CCG launches bid to decommission IVF treatment


    Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group is planning to stop funding specialist fertility services according to a consultation published last month.