All Specialised commissioning articles – Page 9

  • Jonathan Fielden

    STPs to set plans for specialised services overhaul


    Sustainability and transformation plans must propose service change priorities and new provider “configurations” for specialised services, NHS England announced this week.

  • Medicines

    Stevens: NICE process makes it 'harder' to strike deals with pharma


    Simon Stevens says NICE authorisation can make it “harder” to run a procurement for new drugs, because “implied price” set during appraisal NHS England chief executive says PPRS, NICE appraisals and NHS England commissioning need “aligning” Mr Stevens says inclusion of “affordability” in NICE process “a debate I expect ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Newsflash - there’s still no money


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Simon Stevens

    HSJ Live: Catch up on Hunt and Stevens' grilling by MPs


    NHS England reveals breakdown of £22bn savings plan Hunt admits health funding was not protected in spending review Coverage of Jeremy Hunt and Simon Stevens’ appearances before the Commons health and public accounts committees

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Scrutinising specialised


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • Scales of justice

    Judge criticises NHS England for 'totally irrational' drug decision


    NHS England will be ordered by the High Court to provide funding to treat a teenager with a severe neurological condition after a judge criticised its “thoroughly bad decision” and “absurd” policy.

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England faces court battle in drug discrimination claim


    NHS England is accused of discriminating against teenager with narcolepsy Hundreds of patients already receive NHS funding for the drug sodium oxybate Department of Health also using public money to fund private prescriptions NHS England will appear at the High Court on Wednesday accused of discriminating against a ...

  • Hand with pills

    Exclusive: NHS England U-turn on funding of council HIV drugs


    NHS England confirms responsibility for reimbursing drugs for HIV post exposure prophylaxis Last month commissioner sent letter saying it would no longer pay for drugs provided by council commissioned services U-turn comes one week after legal threat prompts NHS England rethink on another HIV drug NHS England has ...

  • Brain xray

    NHS England pushes on with CRG cuts despite charities’ concerns


    NHS England to cut clinical reference groups from 71 to 41 Charities say loss of CRGs will “dilute” specialist knowledge on rare conditions Anger at NHS England’s decision to advertise posts on newly configured CRGs before publishing outcome of consultation NHS England has pushed ahead with its plans ...

  • Hospital operation

    NAO: NHS England has no strategy for specialised services


    National Audit Office report concludes NHS England lacks strategy for specialised commissioning Attempts by NHS England and Monitor to rein in spending through the tariff may have hit providers’ “financial sustainability” NHS England says it balanced its specialised commissioning budget for the first time in three years NHS ...

  • Surgeon, surgery, surgical tools,

    ‘Financial recovery plan’ for specialised services in South


    NHS England has implemented a “financial recovery plan” for specialised services in the South of England, one of its directors has confirmed.

  • Drugs

    NHS England reveals how it will prioritise new specialised treatments


    NHS England outlines detailed methodology for choosing which specialised treatments to fund Methodology has been in development for 18 months after previous approach dropped because of fear of legal challenge National body accused of giving itself “wiggle room” to help it get grip of specialised commissioning costs NHS ...

  • Heart

    'Heart services risk being destabilised' by national procurement scheme


    Leading heart consultant warns some specialist services could be “destabilised” by plans for national procurement Changes could have “major impact… on our ability to treat patients” NHS England says some hospitals are being “taken for a ride” by manufacturers A leading heart consultant has warned that some specialist ...

  • Crispin Dowler
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: It wasn’t meant to be like this


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings, and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Deficit

    Exclusive: NHS England puts provider rescue plan at risk, teaching hospitals warn


    Providers warn changes to CQUIN payments will hamper attempts to bring sector into balance Teaching trusts say new CQUINs and agreed control totals for 2016-17 are incompatible NHS England rejects the accusations and says the changes are appropriate and achievable Angry teaching hospitals have warned that new conditions ...

  • Pills

    NHS England rollout of ground-breaking drugs 'changes role of NICE'


    NHS England to roll out new treatments to 10,000 patients in 2016-17 through “operational delivery networks” Hepatitis C groups claim capping treatments is “rationing” and changes the role of NICE Concerns raised that NHS England approach will increase health inequality and long term costs NHS England’s plans for ...

  • Jim McManus, director of public health, Hertfordshire CC

    The NHS has shunted HIV costs on to councils


    Jim McManus says the decision over HIV prevention funding has serious implications for other costs

  • CT Brain scan

    Charity warnings over clinical reference group cuts


    Chief executives of The Brain Tumour Charity and Sarcoma UK raise concerns cuts will “dilute” specialist knowledge Neurological Alliance and British Kidney Patients Association warn reducing groups’ membership will impact ability to represent patients NHS England plans to cut half of clinical reference groups and reduce clinical and patients ...

  • Mental health bed

    NHS England gives up control of specialist mental health commissioning


    NHS England is to relinquish control of tertiary mental health services to selected local areas in a bid to tackle disconnected commissioning and the controversial practice of sending patients long distances from their home for treatment.

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England finds £156m to help boost DH bottom line


    NHS England sets aside £156m of reserves and underspends to help boost DH bottom line This has driven an increase in its forecast underspend to £295m Prime minister’s access fund and primary care transformation fund are among programmes expected to underspend Move part of concerted national effort to prevent ...