All Specialist care articles
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Community, ambulance and specialist providers most recommended by staff
Which providers receive the highest recommendations from staff as a place to work? HSJ has analysed the full results of the 2024 NHS Staff Survey for community, ambulance and specialist providers.
Trust CEO makes sudden move to ICS
The chief executive of a specialist trust is leaving with immediate effect to join an integrated care system, the provider has announced.
Preventing LTC patients going ‘off the radar’
North Central London Health Alliance is testing a new approach to proactively support patients with long-term conditions and address the challenges they face, write Kate Petts and Rachel Lissauer
‘Quiet’ trust seeks ‘better brand awareness’
A specialist trust is seeking “better brand awareness” and more partnerships with other providers, as part of a new strategy as a standalone organisation.
Service rated ‘outstanding’ despite whistleblower concerns
A trust’s neonatal services have been rated “outstanding” just a year after concerns were raised about investigations into baby deaths.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2024: Improving Health Outcomes for Minority Ethnic Communities
WINNER Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust: Establishing a Substantive Health Equity Team and Embedding a Holistic Approach to Improving Equity in Maternity Services
HSJ Awards
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2024: Staff Wellbeing Initiative of the Year
WINNER Humber and North Yorkshire ICB, NAViGO CIC, City Health Care Partnership CIC, Tees Esk and Wear Valleys FT: Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub
Revealed: the best and worst trusts for inpatient experience
Satisfaction with NHS inpatient care held up in 2023 despite increasing pressure on the service, a Care Quality Commission survey has revealed.
HSJ Partners
Embracing integrated care to combat regional inequalities in chronic kidney disease
Joe Wildy of CSL Vifor outlines the importance of delivering integrated renal services through adopting whole person care for people living with CKD in England, looking at the opportunity that delegated commissioning of specialised services provides in achieving this.
Staff survey: Community, ambulance and specialist providers recommended by staff
Which providers receive the highest recommendations from staff as a place to work? HSJ has analysed the full results of today’s 2023 NHS Staff Survey for community, ambulance and specialist providers.
‘We don’t want to be a DGH’ says smallest trust’s CEO
England’s smallest acute provider could have a bright future providing services for the community as well as delivering regional and national specialist services, its new chief executive has said.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2023: Provider Collaboration of the Year
Winner Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trust Collaborative Elective Recovery, Delivery And Transformation
Revealed: Best and worst trusts for inpatient experience
There was a small fall in patients reporting a ‘good’ experience of inpatient care in 2022, according to a Care Quality Commission survey, with five trusts seeing a ‘significant’ fall in their score compared to 2021.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Has Lancashire missed a trick?
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: NHSE’s handling of Christie whistleblowing case faces judicial review
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Trust gets permanent chief after merger plans dropped
A specialist trust which had previously been the subject of takeover talks has appointed a new substantive chief executive.
The biggest risk AI poses to the NHS is failing to harness its benefits
AI has the capacity to tackle major issues that the NHS is confronting, but there are still unknown dangers associated with it, making a strong case for regulatory oversight, writes Luke O’Shea
‘Torch bearer for values’ made trust CEO
A specialist trust has appointed a new CEO after its previous leader left to become the national emergency care chief.
Staff survey: the best and worst community, ambulance and specialist trusts
Which providers receive the highest recommendations from staff as a place to work? HSJ has analysed the full results of today’s 2022 NHS Staff Survey for community, ambulance and specialist NHS providers.
Trust CEO to leave within weeks after merger abandoned
The chief executive of England’s smallest provider will leave after its merger with a neighbouring provider was abandoned.