All Specialist care articles – Page 10
HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed
The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.
NHS England blocks funding for lifesaving transplants
Second donor stem cell transplants no longer “affordable” for the NHS despite being “routinely” funded before 2013 Leading oncologist calls NHS England’s clinical prioritisation process “not fit for purpose” and says decision “flies in the face” of global expert opinion The specialist treatment was given “lowest cost/benefit priority” status ...
Children's services review accelerated
First findings of national review of paediatric intensive care services due in next few weeks Review follows investigation into Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Services under pressure as children with more complex needs need PICU and lengths of stay increasing An NHS England review of paediatric intensive care services ...
New tariff would mean revenue cuts for specialist providers
Three providers would see their overall revenue reduced by more than 2 per cent next year The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT faces an estimated £4.5m reduction to its revenue Specialist Orthopaedic Alliance “exceptionally concerned” by the proposals A number of specialist NHS trusts are “exceptionally concerned” about the ...
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Trust awarded outstanding rating by CQC
A nationally renowned specialist trust has been rated outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission.
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Trust makes long awaited chief executive appointment
Papworth Hospital Foundation Trust has appointed East and North Hertfordshire Trust deputy chief executive Stephen Posey as its new chief executive.
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Outstanding rating for 'world class' specialist trust
Walton Centre Foundation Trust in Liverpool rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission Specialist spinal and brain service hospital becomes only second specialist hospital to receive top rating Ten out of 19 specialist hospitals have now had inspections published by the CQC The Walton Centre Foundation Trust has ...
Norman Lamb: ‘As a minister I was in a mental health fog’
The former care minister recalls his daily fight in the coalition government to keep mental health on Jeremy Hunt’s agenda
Hospitals demand clarity over future of EU staff
Specialist hospitals have called for the government to clarify the rights of EU nationals to remain working in health and social care in the UK.
Elective waits rise again in a wasted August
Elective waiting times lengthened beyond 18 weeks again in August, as the admission rate fell to a three year low.
HSJ Local
Specialist hospital rated 'one of the best trusts in England'
Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital is the first specialist acute hospital to be rated outstanding One of only eight English trusts to receive highest quality rating Specialist acute hospital trusts currently outperforming non-specialists, with 78 per cent rated good or outstanding Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Foundation Trust ...
Questions raised over NHS England's use of heart surgery research
Author cited by NHS England has “no idea” where 125 operations per year figure came from How many operations a surgeon should do ”depends on the type of surgery”, academic says RCS backs NHS England recommendation NHS England’s congenital heart disease review acknowledged the 125 figure is “arbitrary” ...
NHS England 'failed to follow due process' for heart surgery shake-up
Leicester and the Royal Brompton trusts dispute reconfiguration process Trusts say recommendations from the Independent Reconfiguration Panel have been ignored Specialised commissioning director Jonathan Fielden defends NHS England’s approach Senior staff at the two congenital heart units threatened with closure by NHS England say the national body has ...
Marginal rate for specialised services shelved again
NHS England and NHS Improvement have again shelved the introduction of a marginal rate Regulators twice previously aimed to introduce the measure New proposals include increases to top-up payments for specialised services, including for cardiac, respiratory and cancer services Regulators have again shelved plans for a marginal rate ...
Are large-scale GP organisations on the road to sustainability?
While GPs that merge to form bigger partnerships are common, past research shows that patients still prefer smaller practices
Why we still need clinical commissioners
The progress made by CCGs in engaging local clinicians could be lost if we fail to act upon the clinical voice
Revealed: The trusts most reliant on EU staff
Specialist trusts and those in London have the largest proportions of staff from the European Union, HSJ analysis shows.
Time to nurture better mental healthcare services
More government funding promised to increase specialist mental healthcare for mothers in the perinatal period is just part of the action required
Understanding Scotland's review of NHS targets
Getting the elective targets right is important, but balancing activity against demand matters more
Expert Briefing
Deep South: Farewell to Andrew Ridley
Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell