All Specialist care articles – Page 9

  • pills

    Specialised commissioning process 'lacks transparency', NHS England told


    Specialised commissioning is “very hard to probe”, resulting in “unusual decisions”, stakeholders warn NHS England made funding U-turn on two treatments it had previously deemed “unaffordable” but provided little detail about why FOI request for minutes of specialised commissioning funding body denied ABPI says “major reassessment” of whole process ...

  • wheelchair

    Thousands of disabled people forced to wait months for wheelchairs


    Between October and December, 21 per cent of children and 15 per cent of adults waited more than 19 weeks for wheelchairs to be delivered Waiting times of nine weeks-plus for wheelchair prescription and then delivery Longest waits for those with high or specialist needs for prescriptions and delivery ...

  • surgery
    HSJ Local

    Doctors 'attempted to disguise' surgery delays after patient died


    Coroner says doctors attempted to “disguise” delays to appointments Delays played a “clear and direct part” in patient’s death, coroner concludes Nottingham University Hospitals Trust says its systems have been improved Months of delays at one of the country’s largest teaching trusts “contributed directly” to the death of ...

  • Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital

    NHS staff survey: Best and worst performing trusts


    The annual NHS survey has shown staff continue to believe the care their trusts provide is safe, with 69 per cent saying they would recommend care at their organisation to a friend or relative.

  • heart attack
    HSJ Local

    Concerns over future of pioneering heart failure unit


    First of its kind heart failure unit opened in 2015 Waits of up to five days for admission to unit due to limited capacity Trust spokesman says “we need to ensure the service is sustainable” “Significant” concerns have been raised over the sustainability of a pioneering heart failure ...

  • Specialist nurse
    HSJ Knowledge

    A powerful case for specialist nurses


    Specialist nurses are far from just the ‘icing on the cake’ – in inflammatory bowel disease alone they are consistently preventing emergency attendances and ensuring the most appropriate use of services

  • scanner

    Private provider to rent space from NHS trust for 25 years


    £38m dedicated cancer unit will occupy top four floors of Guy’s and St Thomas’ new cancer centre Negotiations underway to offer NHS patients access to private robotics theatre American hospital firm to rent the facilities on a 25 year lease A major teaching trust in London is leasing ...

  • Partha Das

    The one lesson that the US and UK can learn from each other


    Ideological differences between America and the UK don’t mean total incompatibility when it comes to making their systems better

  • Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
    HSJ Local

    CQC praises leadership at 'outstanding' trust


    The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Foundation Trust has been rated as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission.

  • Birmingham Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Merger creates first children's and women's trust in England


    Birmingham Women’s Foundation Trust and Birmingham Children’s FT have completed their merger, creating the first single specialist trust for both women and children in England.

  • Heart

    New consultation on future of specialist heart surgery imminent


    NHS England to launch consultation on congenital heart disease services “soon” It has not publicly changed its controversial plans but said “no decision” will be made before consultation is completed Royal Brompton and University Hospitals of Leicester trusts remain at risk of losing their services NHS England is ...

  • Moorfields Eye Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trust predicts £7m increase in private income


    Moorfields Eye Hospital Foundation Trust is predicting a significant spike in private income in 2016-17, its board papers reveal.

  • HSJ Value In Healthcare Awards

    HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed


    The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.

  • Blood

    NHS England blocks funding for lifesaving transplants


    Second donor stem cell transplants no longer “affordable” for the NHS despite being “routinely” funded before 2013 Leading oncologist calls NHS England’s clinical prioritisation process “not fit for purpose” and says decision “flies in the face” of global expert opinion The specialist treatment was given “lowest cost/benefit priority” status ...

  • Bristol Children's Hospital

    Children's services review accelerated


    First findings of national review of paediatric intensive care services due in next few weeks Review follows investigation into Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Services under pressure as children with more complex needs need PICU and lengths of stay increasing An NHS England review of paediatric intensive care services ...

  • hospital operation

    New tariff would mean revenue cuts for specialist providers


    Three providers would see their overall revenue reduced by more than 2 per cent next year The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital FT faces an estimated £4.5m reduction to its revenue Specialist Orthopaedic Alliance “exceptionally concerned” by the proposals A number of specialist NHS trusts are “exceptionally concerned” about the ...

  • The Christie
    HSJ Local

    Trust awarded outstanding rating by CQC


    A nationally renowned specialist trust has been rated outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission.

  • Papworth hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust makes long awaited chief executive appointment


    Papworth Hospital Foundation Trust has appointed East and North Hertfordshire Trust deputy chief executive Stephen Posey as its new chief executive.

  • The Walton Centre
    HSJ Local

    Outstanding rating for 'world class' specialist trust


    Walton Centre Foundation Trust in Liverpool rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission Specialist spinal and brain service hospital becomes only second specialist hospital to receive top rating Ten out of 19 specialist hospitals have now had inspections published by the CQC The Walton Centre Foundation Trust has ...

  • Norman Lamb

    Norman Lamb: ‘As a minister I was in a mental health fog’


    The former care minister recalls his daily fight in the coalition government to keep mental health on Jeremy Hunt’s agenda