All articles by Steve Ford – Page 18
PCT functions 'need clarification'
The Primary Care Trust Network has urged the Department of Health to quickly sort out which PCT statutory functions can be stopped in order to reduce pressure on managers during the transition to GP consortia.
Consortia may boost GP data
GP consortia would have more incentive to collect data on patient comorbidities, the Nuffield Trust suggests.
Out of hours performance variation to be made public
Primary care trusts are to be named and shamed for the first time on the performance of their out of hours provider.
Union launches anti-white paper campaign
The union Unite has launched a campaign against the government’s white paper, which it says has no “democratic mandate” and represent the most significant move yet towards privatisation.
South Essex PCTs confirm creation of cluster
NHS South East Essex and NHS South West Essex have formed a cluster under the leadership of a single chief executive.
List of PCT functions drawn up to aid formation of GP consortia
A list of their functions has been sent to primary care trusts to aid discussions over the future transfer of commissioning powers with fledgling GP consortia.
First GP consortia launched in Cambridgeshire
The country’s first commissioning consortia developed by GPs have been launched today in Cambridgeshire.
Essex PCTs to unveil single chief executive
A cluster of three Essex primary care trusts will next week appoint a single chief executive.
PCT spending by disease to be analysed
Primary care trusts will be sent information on how much they spend on different conditions and their “value related outcomes” next month.
Lansley seeks to reassure GPs on commissioning
Health secretary Andrew Lansley has written to all GPs in England in an apparent bid to allay concerns about their future role in commissioning
NHS reform deadlines 'unrealistic'
More than half of GPs and commissioning managers do not think they will meet the government’s timetable for developing GP commissioning, survey findings shared with HSJ show.
Lansley attempts to kick start GPs on commissioning
Commissioning consortia set up now in shadow form will not be “set in stone” for the long term, the health secretary has told GPs in an apparent attempt to drive forward his reforms.
Unison welcomes 'positive indication' on white paper legal challenge
Unison, the major public sector union, says it has been given a “positive indication” the High Court will allow it to challenge the legality of the white paper reforms.
Whistleblowers and freezing fat
One story united the media in its health coverage at the start of this week. A whistleblower who raised concerns about a clinic involved in the Baby Peter case is to sue the NHS for £100,000.
New chief exec takes over at Hertfordshire PCT
NHS Hertfordshire has announced that its deputy chief executive has been appointed chief executive.
Barbara Young appointed head of diabetes charity
Former chair of the Care Quality Commission Dame Barbara Young has been appointed chief executive of the charity Diabetes UK.
Superbug risk from hospital sinks
The Department of Health has issued an alert warning that hospital wash basins have been identified as a source of gram negative bacteria.
Patients ‘should be able to complain by email’
Patients should be able to make complaints to the health service ombudsman about NHS services via email or telephone, the Law Commission has proposed.
Poor data reporting skews palliative care spending picture
A government report has pointed to significant variations in the amount primary care trusts spend on end of life care.
Ex Cornwall chief exec wins £1.2m compensation
The former chief executive of Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust has been awarded £1.2m in compensation for unfair dismissal over whistleblowing.