All articles by Steve Ford – Page 20
Consortia to 'challenge' GP practices on quality and productivity
The NHS commissioning board will be able to delegate its role of ensuring GP practices improve on quality of care and financial management to consortia themselves, the Department of Health has said.
DH asks if size limits should be set for GP consortia
The Department of Health will not be “unduly prescriptive” about the size of GP consortia, but has asked whether there should be a minimum or maximum population size set for the new bodies.
PCTs told to hand over resources to GP commissioners
The government has told primary care trusts they will “increasingly” be required to put management resources at the disposal of GP consortia while they are implemented.
Concerns over standard of specialist care
There are concerns over how specialised service commissioning will be controlled at regional level after strategic health authorities and primary care trusts are abolished.
PCTs should ‘reinvent’ themselves, says Britnell
Primary care trusts should seek to reinvent themselves as social enterprises providing commissioning support to GP consortia, according to the architect of the world class commissioning programme.
NHS Bury appoints former newspaper editor as chair
A struggling primary care trust has turned to a former journalist to help turn it round.
GP consortia will be a ‘minority’ interest
The burden of commissioning will fall on a relatively small number of GPs, a leading member of a right wing medical think tank has warned.
East Sussex chief exec made permanent
East Sussex Hospitals Trust has appointed a chief executive.
Long term care funding commission set terms of reference
The government has set out the terms of reference for a commission on the funding of care and support, which will consider a range of methods including voluntary insurance and partnership schemes.
NHS Employers keeps £1.8m surplus in new DH deal
The Department of Health has agreed NHS Employers can use a £1.8m surplus from its core contract “to assist their cash flow and balance sheet position” and has signed a new deal with the organisation.
NHS Kingston gains permission for social enterprise
The provider arm of NHS Kingston is to become a social enterprise on 1 August after two years of planning.
Norfolk community service provider appoints chair
Carrie Armitage has been appointed shadow chair of the provider arm of NHS Norfolk, which is seeking to become a community foundation trust.
Trust may take PFI option for 'axed' hospital
A foundation trust which had central funding for a major hospital building plan cancelled last week is looking at alternative ways of financing the project, including private finance.
PCTs lose right to stay as direct providers
The Department of Health has reversed its December decision to let six primary care trusts continue as direct providers of their community services.
Do not cut specialist roles, warns SHA chief
Specialist members of the NHS workforce must not be sacrificed in order to find efficiency savings, a government advisor and strategic health authority chief executive has warned.
GPs should be given commissioning budgets now
GPs who want them should be given hard budgets now, with the details of national policy filled in later, according to a report from the NHS Alliance.
FT pioneers lifestyle intervention for acute patients
A foundation trust has begun a service targeting the lifestyle of its patients while they are in hospital, which it hopes will result in future financial benefits.
NHS Surrey attracts Hertfordshire chief exec
NHS Surrey has appointed Anne Walker as its new chief executive.
Obama’s ‘chief mobiliser’ working with NHS
The man behind Barack Obama’s presidential election campaign is working with the NHS Institute on a campaign to engage frontline staff on improving productivity.
Productivity gains unlikely without clinician 'buy in' and better information
Improving information quality and getting clinicians “on board” are crucial if the NHS is to improve its productivity, a management consultant has warned.