All articles by Steve Ford – Page 24
Out of hours GP contracts need greater transparency
A network of small out of hours providers has criticised primary care trusts for “trading off” contracts to other providers without retendering.
PCTs' spending on carers under scrutiny
Primary care trusts will have to prove they are spending enough on supporting carers, care services minister Phil Hope has said.
PCT provider plan deadline stands
The Department of Health will not extend the deadline for primary care trusts to finalise plans for their provider arms.
PCTs preparing for cuts not savings, warn GPs
Senior GPs have claimed primary care trusts are feeling pressured to make budget cuts rather than find efficiency savings.
Marmot might be fair, but will it be feasible?
The Marmot report, probably the most important document on health inequalities for 30 years, was published last month. But can its recommendations become reality? Steve Ford reports
Hertfordshire PCTs merge into one
Hertfordshire will have one primary care trust from next month, following approval from the health secretary to merge the county’s two PCTs.
Give nursing directors greater say on care at board level, says PM's commission
Directors of nursing must be fully accountable for the quality of care provided by nurses in their service or organisation, according to a major report on the future of nursing.
Community care plans could lead to a new generation of NHS organisations
Plans underway for community services look set to lead to a new generation of NHS organisations.
PCTs call for lighter commissioning assessment
Primary care trust chief executives are calling for “lighter touch” assessment of their progress on commissioning, despite efforts made by the Department of Health to ease the process.
Mid Staffs ‘sobering account’ of leadership failure, says NHS Confederation
Responding to the Francis report on failings at Stafford Hospital, NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett said managers had to focus on quality, as well as targets.
Mid Staffs board to consider further action against individuals
The board of Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust is to consider whether further action is needed against individuals at the trust following the publication of the Francis report.
CQC will register Mid Staffs but with caveats
The Care Quality Commission says it intends to add Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust to its new register – but with conditions.
Fresh investigations stall Kingston branch surgery plans
The Department of Health has not yet approved the opening of a Kingston GP group’s new branch surgery - two months after the cooperation and competition panel said it should go ahead.
Hull social enterprise plan back on track
A legal challenge preventing the transfer of community services to a social enterprise has been dropped.
Bucks PCT set for vertical integration
The provider arm of NHS Buckinghamshire is set to vertically integrate with Buckinghamshire Hospitals Trust.
Media Watch: social care funding fight
A toe-to-toe row between health secretary Andy Burnham and his Tory counterpart Andrew Lansley in the Commons injected some colour into the papers last week.
Blackburn care trust plus given go ahead
The Department of Health has approved plans for NHS Blackburn with Darwen to become a care trust plus.
New deputy chief exec for South Downs
South Downs Health Trust has appointed Clodagh Warde-Robinson as its new deputy chief executive.
London councils call for PCT budget control
Primary care trust budgets for non-acute care should be integrated with all other local care services, according to a manifesto produced by the lobby group London Councils.
Mid Essex chief takes on dual role at Peterborough
The chief executive of NHS Mid Essex is to help turn around the financially challenged NHS Peterborough, it has been announced.