All articles by Steve Ford – Page 8
PCT public health spending revealed
Primary care trusts spent just 4.6 per cent of their total funding allocation on public health last year, analysis by HSJ suggests.
Media Watch: for Lansley, the wait is over
The big story on Monday was the expected announcement by Andrew Lansley of a ban on setting minimum waiting times for certain treatments.
South East trusts confident on improving mixed sex performance
The Department of Health this month jubilantly announced “record” success in its efforts to reduce mixed sex accommodation.
Lack of hospital surgery networks risking more child deaths
It is “vital” that paediatric surgery networks are established across the country to reduce the risk of child mortality, according to a major patient safety report.
Funding 'confusion' undermining public health reforms, warn MPs
Confusion surrounding the government’s public health budget is “undermining confidence” in its ability to deliver a competent strategy in this area, the Commons health committee has warned.
Chair appointed to HEE steering group
A chair has been appointed to oversee the development of the new body that will be responsible for NHS workforce education and training.
Media Watch: there's no news like old news
Some of the nationals could be forgiven this week for getting their definition of the word “news” a little tangled.
Specialist care housing model losing funding
Specialist housing integrated with care provision may not survive as a long term model for providing care for older people, a report has warned.
Dilnot social care proposals are 'regressive', says Lansley
Health secretary Andrew Lansley has told a meeting of councillors that he believes the Dilnot Commission’s proposals on care funding reform are “regressive”, HSJ understands.
NHS Institute chair announces departure
The chair of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has resigned ahead of its reconfiguration as part of the government’s quango cull.
'An important moment in public health history'
Ruth Hussey, the woman at the heart of smoothing the public health shake-up, says there will be great gains after the strains. She talks to HSJ deputy news editor Steve Ford.
Public health workforce 'dispirited' as uncertainty goes on
The government’s lack of action to dispel uncertainty about the future of the public health workforce is “dispiriting” and poses the “real risk” of losing expert staff, the Faculty of Public Health has said.
Three South East coast trusts singled out for security slip ups
The government may be promising an NHS information “revolution” but events suggest Kent and Surrey is not quite ready to storm the Bastille.
Media Watch: calls to 'kill bill' go unheeded
On Monday the national press speculated on the fate of the Health Bill before its appearance in the Lords later in the week.
Consultant choice benefits based on 'limited evidence'
The benefits of enabling patients to choose consultant-led teams is based on “limited” evidence, the Department of Health has admitted.
Public health engagement group to steer DH policy
An engagement team has been set up to road test government policy on public health over the coming months.
Media Watch: all of NHS life appears in the papers
Most types of health professional featured in the media this week, though some more positively than others.
DH issues warning over use of flu vaccine in children
Directors of public health have been advised that the influenza vaccine Viroflu should not be used in children under five years old due to an increased risk of fever.
DH stockpiles 400,000 doses of flu jab
The government has purchased a stockpile of 400,000 flu vaccine doses in order to try and head off any supply problems similar to those encountered last year.
Reconfiguration plans grow in confidence in the South East
With reconfiguration no longer a dirty word following the approval of plans for Chase Farm Hospital, other trusts may be more confident in getting service changes through while a Whitehall wind is seemingly behind them.