All Stroke articles – Page 17

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    Pride over prejudice


    Rooting out age discrimination is the latest NHS priority, and Ian Philp is charged with spearheading the drive.He talked to Carol Harris about life after the national service framework

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    Clinical directorship 28 March, London 'How to be an excellent clinical director in a modernised NHS' is a British Association of Medical Managers seminar.

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    Stick to the letter of socialism


    The following letter to the health secretary Alan Milburn has been leaked. It was copied to Scottish health minister Susan Deacon, who also had socialist tendencies once.

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    Beds under the Reds


    Labour has crossed the ideological divide to embrace joint working with the private sector as a way to free NHS beds. Kaye McIntosh reports

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    People living in independent nursing homes are part of a shadow health service that falls outside the remit of CHI and the National Care Standards Commission. We must not ignore their care, says Chris Vellenoweth

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    Watching expiry dates


    The public health white paper sets out ambitious targets for reducing deaths by 2010. Mark Crail canvassed responses to it and found widespread scepticism that it would reduce health inequalities

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    Poor law


    Newly compiled statistical evidence on the state of health of the Scottish nation demonstrates as never before the link between deprivation and ill health

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    Remains of the day


    Providers should look at new uses for the day hospital in providing comprehensive elderly care

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    Honourable discharge


    How is the NHS improving hospital discharge arrangements to cope with winter pressures?