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HSJ Local
North East GPs 'prescribe paracetamol at more than twice expected rate'
FINANCE: GPs in seven North East primary care trusts are prescribing paracetamol at twice the expected rate and could save the NHS an estimated £2.5m a year by their bringing reducing to the national average, the healthcare analysis firm CHKS has said.
HSJ Local
Delays to two South of Tyne efficiency plans
FINANCE: South of Tyne and Wear PCT cluster has fallen behind on two quality, innovation, productivity and prevention schemes, according to an NHS North of England board paper.
HSJ Local
Cumbria and North East LAT hires nurse and medical director
WORKFORCE: The NHS Commissioning Board local area team for Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear has appointed a nursing and medical director.
HSJ Local
Large commissioning board LAT gets interim director
STRUCTURE: An interim director has been appointed to the Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear local area team, pending a permanent appointment.
HSJ Local
Analysed: The reorganisation of commissioning in the North East
The NHS in the North East has healthy finances but an unhealthy population. This briefing looks at how its new structure could overcome these problems.
HSJ Local
North East NHS 111 go live delayed
STRUCTURE: The first go live date for NHS 111 has been delayed due to a lack of local GP engagement and outstanding contractual issues with the provider, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
North East CSS passes checkpoint 2
STRUCTURE: The single commissioning support service for the North East has been told it has only “medium to low issues” by the NHS Commissioning Board.
HSJ Local
Sunderland FT surplus exceeding plan by £3.5m
FINANCE: City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust was exceeding its planned surplus by £3.5m as of March.
HSJ Knowledge
Collaboration can help meet the challenges facing urgent care
As the focus for urgent care moves towards prevention, self care, and better treatment of long-term conditions, Drs David Hambleton and Mark Lambert explain how their new collaborative and localised approach is starting to make an impact.
HSJ Local
North East appoints interim commissioning support lead
WORKFORCE: The primary care trusts in the North East have appointed an interim managing director for their emerging single commissioning support service.
HSJ Local
North East PCTs pursue single commissioning support organisation
STRUCTURE: The North East primary care trusts have begun a project developing a single commissioning support organisation for the region.
HSJ Local
PCTs begin 'formal performance managment' of Sunderland FT
FINANCE: Commissioners have “instigated a formal performance management process” because of City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust’s elective and emergency overperformance.
HSJ Local
City Hospitals Sunderland CIP concern
FINANCE: City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust is spending more than planned this year - but also seeing greater than expected income.
HSJ Local
Seven North East PCTs behind on C difficile
PERFORMANCE: Seven PCT areas in the North East have recorded more C difficile infections than their target maximum at July.
HSJ Local
South of Tyne awards contract for specialist services for young people
COMMERCIAL: NHS South of Tyne and Wear has awarded a contract for its specialist community child and adolescent mental health and learning disability service, following a consultation with children and families on how they would like to see services delivered.
HSJ Local
South Tyne PCTs agree to reinvest readmissions proceeds
FINANCE: The South of Tyne PCTs have agreed to reinvest money not paid to hospital trusts under the 30 day readmissions rule in initiatives “aimed at actions to reducing these readmissions, improving patient outcomes and experience and reducing additional pressure on the urgent care system”.
HSJ Local
Unions and commissioners hail South Tyneside community services change
STRUCTURE: The transfer of community services to South Tyneside Foundation Trust has been completed and welcomed by commissioners and the Royal College of Nursing.
HSJ Local
Independent sector GP provider developing consortium in North East
STRUCTURE: An independent sector provider of GP services is developing a commissioning consortium of non-neighbouring practices covering more than 40,000 registered patients.
HSJ Local
PCTs step up transfer of responsibility to consortia
STRUCTURE: Primary care trusts in the North East are starting to delegate authority to commissioning consortia.
HSJ Local
Three Sunderland PBC groups merge into one consortium
STRUCTURE: Three practice based commissioning groups in Sunderland Teaching PCT’s area are merging to form one consortium commissioning board.