Enforcing savings while raising quality is not easy - but that is the challenge
Increasing NHS efficiency: it's time to get tough
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Enforcing savings while raising quality is not easy - but that is the challenge
2025-01-09T05:14:00Z By Caitlin Tilley
Unions have accused the government of letting them down on commitments to reform primary care contracts, six months after Labour won the general election.
2025-01-08T15:00:00Z By James Illman and Henry Anderson
With the launch of Labour’s plan for elective care, Recovery Watch becomes Reform Watch. This newsletter will track the new government’s plans to “re-imagine” the NHS.
2025-01-08T13:03:00Z By Jack Serle
Half of England’s integrated care boards are being sued by a waste management firm over the procurement of healthcare waste collection and disposal services for primary care.
2015-10-21T00:01:00Z By Daloni Carlisle
Frontline clinicians can be enthused about procurement
2015-10-15T07:30:00Z By Jennifer Trueland
Compare environmental, social and financial effects
2015-10-13T07:45:00Z By Guy Pilkington
A project funded by social impact bonds
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