Cutting edge technology can have huge benefits for the NHS and patients. HSJ’s innovation supplement examines how using new technology could save the service £3bn, and how new systems are improving end of life care
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The Department of Health’s “digital first” strategy aims to cut unnecessary face-to-face contact through the use of technology. That means looking afresh at everything from seeing a GP to the delivery of test results – much of which could be easily done by Skype, text or the old-fashioned telephone. The benefits are huge: implementing the most obvious innovations could save the NHS £3bn.
Service redesign
Too often patients who wish for a peaceful death at home end up in hospital. Now a new system for end of life care – Coordinate My Care – means everyone potentially involved in care of the patient during their final hours – including the ambulance service, primary care team, secondary care team and community nurses – can be informed of their wishes and work together, helped by technology, to deliver the care they want. The result in areas pioneering the CMC approach is a big drop in the number of patients dying in hospital. Over the next 12 months the system is to be rolled out across London where tens of thousands of people could benefit
HSJ’s innovation through technology supplement is free to download
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