All Supplements articles – Page 46

  • Supplements

    HSJ intelligence supplement: password future


    Welcome to the latest issue of Intelligence, the quarterly HSJ supplement dedicated to innovation, information and technology.

  • Supplements

    Sustainable communities award supplement


    The awards winners show how councils, local health services, the voluntary sector and local people are collaborating to tackle some of the most challenging issues our communities face, from climate change to improve public health to community cohesion.

  • Supplements

    HSJ supplement: Learning curves


    For subscribers only: This supplement discusses different aspects of training the workforce for 2020.Subscribe now to access the supplement!

  • Supplements

    Service transformation special report


    The NHS Integrated Service Improvement Programme has brought about big changes, but the need for an integrated approach to service transformation has never been stronger.

  • Supplements

    HSJ50 2007: Introducing the 50 people who will shape our future


    David Nicholson was top, Lord Darzi beat the secretary of state. The HSJ50 - ranking the most powerful people in healthcare - was unveiled at the Dali Universe exhibition last week with Ernst & Young and Harvey Nash, and is already causing controversy. Download the supplement for the full list

  • HSJ50 2006: The people who shape the NHS

    HSJ50 2006: The people who shape the NHS


    Welcome to the HSJ50, a new initiative from HSJ that highlights the people who, right now, have the biggest influence on the policy and practice of the NHS. The list set out on these pages provides a unique insight into the individuals and ideas that are shaping not just today’s ...