All Sustainability articles – Page 18

  • Kent

    Analysis: South East to benefit most from social care precept rise


    The government’s decision to allow a 3 per cent rise in council tax precept next year to deal with social care pressures offers councils an average of £1.4m extra, analysis by HSJ’s sister title Local Government Chronicle shows.

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Emergency department to close as part of £245m savings plan


    Staffordshire STP outlines plans to close emergency department Savings of £245m will be made by 2021, including service closures STP aims to reduce A&E admissions by 20 per cent An accident and emergency department will close in Staffordshire along with 100 community hospital beds, according to the Staffordshire ...

  • Dave west expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: STPs have fallen short, and time is running out


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • chief officer, Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group

    Public engagement is crucial for development of care


    The experience of being public about the work on the Dudley MCP and the importance of sharing know-how in the NHS

  • Richmond House

    Exclusive: Trusts could be refused bailouts to pay suppliers


    Dozens of providers have become reliant on “working capital” loans to ensure staff and invoices are paid Email seen by HSJ outlines further controls on these payments NHS trusts will not be guaranteed bailout support even when suppliers have put an account “on stop” The Department of Health ...

  • Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: 13 services could be decommissioned at major hospital trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has been warned 13 services could be decommissioned CCGs want to redesign the model for another 17 services Commissioners say the changes are to be completed by July One of the largest acute trusts in the country faces 13 services being decommissioned and 17 ...

  • Jo Cubbon
    HSJ Partners

    How's your followership? It's key to delivering in tough times

    2016-12-14T07:00:00Z From our partners , By

    Leaders need to achieve a fine balance between setting challenging goals and ensuring their staff are on board

  • Picking up coins

    Exclusive: Transformation fund could be raided for social care


    Greater Manchester has projected a £176m gap in social care funding by 2021 Senior leaders say additional government spending will be “too late” As part of devolution deal, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership has £450m transformation fund A dedicated pot of transformation funding could be used ...

  • Jon Restell

    A four-point plan to save our STPs


    The once in a generation opportunity could be thrown away unless we take action now - here’s what we need to do, says Jon Restell

  • Lister Hospital

    Leaked STP reveals region cannot meet control totals


    Hertfordshire and west Essex STP reveals a £93m gap in meeting combined control totals for 2017-18 and 2019-20 £101m social care funding gap for the region is unresolved Two trusts require a minimum of £324m investment to remedy “extremely poor” infrastructure NHS organisations in Hertfordshire and Essex are ...

  • Alexandra Hammond

    Acute lack of investment is starving healthcare estates


    Buildings and infrastructure in the healthcare sector are suffering a serious shortage of cash and need new financing models to break the deadlock.

  • News

    Analysis: Trusts 'on track' with finances forecast major deterioration


    Several trusts revised their year-end forecast internally by up to £20m New protocol meant numbers published by NHS Improvement suggested providers were on course to meet their target Trusts forecasting significant deterioration include Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership, King’s College Hospital and University Hospitals North Midlands NHSI says ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Flickers in a pitch black tunnel


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: I'll cut locum doctors pay 'if I have to'


    NHS Improvement chief executive says regulator will take tougher approach to medical locum spend It may further reduce the pay cap in future if necessary Regulator will use locum cost data to identify unsustainable services NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told HSJ the regulator will now ...

  • share data
    HSJ Local

    High profile NHS 'cyber attack' may have 'come from USB stick'


    “Cyber attack” virus may have come from a USB stick rather than an intentional outside attack “Zero day” viruses are difficult to protect against and “pose the same problem through industry” A high profile “cyber attack” on a foundation trust appears to have been the consequence of poor ...

  • Nurse

    Health secretary says STPs unlikely to reduce nurse numbers


    Jeremy Hunt says he would be surprised if STP areas are able to reduce nurse numbers Health secretary says lesson of Mid Staffordshire scandal was wards need to be properly staffed New roles should assist qualified nurses and not serve as substitutes, he says Jeremy Hunt has told ...

  • Manchester tram

    'Ominous' social care warning from leading STP


    Devolution leaders have forecast a £176m financial gap for social care services by 2021. Greater Manchester is better placed than most regions to deliver its STP, because of its £450m transformation fund. But demand and cost pressures ’significantly outweigh’ the government’s additional funding Health leaders in ...

  • Bristol Children's Hospital

    Children's services review accelerated


    First findings of national review of paediatric intensive care services due in next few weeks Review follows investigation into Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Services under pressure as children with more complex needs need PICU and lengths of stay increasing An NHS England review of paediatric intensive care services ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: A game of two halves


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Agency nurse3

    Agency spending higher than planned despite caps


    NHS Improvement quarter two report says agency spend 16 per cent higher than planned Provider sector predicting £900m savings compared to last year as a result of agency caps NHSI names best and worst performers on agency spending Trusts’ spending on agency staff is 16 per cent higher ...