All Targets articles – Page 31

  • Informal group meeting

    Flagship service hits recovery target for first time


    Flagship talking therapy service hits target for first time since its launch in 2008 Improving access to psychological therapies achieved a 50.1 per cent recovery rate in January 2017, just above the 50 per cent target IAPT is a key element of the Five Year Forward View for Mental ...

  • Computer data
    HSJ Local

    Trust raises alarm after Lorenzo glitch fails to send 14,000 patient letters


    Electronic patient administration system fails to send appointments to nearly 14,600 patients Ten patients wait more than 52 weeks Lorenzo supplier installs “fix” to address problem A teaching trust has alerted NHS Digital after an IT design fault meant more than 14,000 patients were not sent appointment letters.

  • Great Western Hospital

    Revealed: 70 hospitals awarded share of £100m A&E pot


    Seventy trusts allocated £56m between them out of £100m funding for A&E Winners include Salford Royal and smaller trusts like The Princess Alexandra Seventy hospitals have been allocated a share of a £56m tranche from the £100m of capital funding ringfenced in the budget for accident and emergency ...

  • Calculator

    Exclusive: Regulators crack down on NHS areas 'living off bailouts'


    National leaders have set out new measures to control spending in health economies deemed to be “living off bailouts”, which may result in some contracts having to be revisited for the current financial year.

  • UK map

    18 week waits, February 2017: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for February 2017

  • Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

    Five trusts responsible for over half of year-plus waiters


    Highest number of year-plus waiters in England since August 2012 Small number of trusts responsible for majority of long waiting patients Overall performance sees 90 per cent of patients waiting no more than 18 weeks for treatment in February Data released today shows five trusts were responsible for ...

  • Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Success regime trust reveals £40m savings plan


    A financially troubled hospital trust has launched an “extremely challenging” plan to save nearly 10 per cent of its income in the next year.

  • Elderly hands walking frame

    Officials plan new metric to measure patient flow


    A new set of metrics is being developed to assess patient flow across the NHS and social care system, Local Government Chronicle reports.

  • Steps

    Next steps for the forward view – what you need to know


    HSJ’s brings you everything you need to know about the year’s most important NHS policy document.

  • 3002939 surgery equipment surgeon theatre

    Elective waits will not recover until 2019, says Stevens


    NHS England accepts growing demand will make it harder to meet 18 week RTT targets Simon Stevens says the goal is still to hit the 92pc target but the NHS must be realistic NHS England accused of “jettisoning” elective surgery waiting times targets NHS England has acknowledged that ...

  • Abacus

    Exclusive: Next STF payments depend solely on financial performance


    Regulators say that final allocations from the sustainability and transformation fund this year will be paid in full if headline financial targets are met Final quarter’s allocations could now total more than £800m Measure could incentivise trusts to pursue further technical accounting measures NHS trusts will not be ...

  • Hospital sign

    Exclusive: Regulators to introduce 'A&E special measures' regime


    Trusts performing poorly against four hour target face new tough regulatory measures Trusts could be put in new “A&E special measures” if they do not improve by June Worst performing trusts face new weekly performance meetings with regulators Trusts performing poorly against the four hour target could be ...

  • deficit_finance_2

    Exclusive: Trusts rejected 'irresponsible' savings targets of up to 10pc


    Around 60 trusts have rejected their control totals Analysis suggests efficiency assumptions averaged 6.4 per cent Lord Carter and former Monitor CEO have previously said 2 per cent is an achievable efficiency target Trusts described their savings requirements as “impossible” and “undeliverable”, and said it would be “irresponsible” for ...

  • Ambulance triage

    Time limit on ambulance dispatch set to be quadrupled


    Sixty seconds window to decide on whether to dispatch ambulance should be extended by 180 seconds, says NHS England director Extension “likely” to be recommended in ambulance service reform report next month, although DH stressed no decision has been made New commissioning framework for ambulance services will be rolled ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Government demands 'concrete progress' on STPs


    The government’s instructions to the NHS this year call for “concrete progress on local sustainability and transformation plans” and say it must deliver “the productivity and efficiency gains necessary to maintain financial balance”.

  • cacner x ray

    Trusts 'will not be fined for failing waiting list and cancer targets'


    NHS England and NHS Improvement have effectively dropped routine financial penalties for trusts that fail to meet elective and cancer waiting times targets, HSJ has been told.

  • Houses of Parliament

    NHS mandate months late after tensions with government


    The annual NHS mandate is being published months later than usual, following disagreement between the government and NHS England over the service’s progress and accountability.

  • Hospital_bed

    NHS Improvement sets out trust level breakdown for unblocking beds


    System leaders set out plans to free up 2,000-3,000 beds using social care cash boost NHS Improvement calculated an “estimate of the number of beds by provider that could be freed up” Funding boost may “not have the intended impact” if trusts do not work with councils See every ...

  • Royal Bournemouth Hospital

    Revealed: Only three trusts hit 'reset' A&E targets


    Just three hospital trusts have hit their lowered targets for accident and emergency performance, the latest data reveals.

  • dr wendy burn

    Exclusive: Warning over 'neglected' elderly mental health services


    New royal college president elect vows to address neglected mental health services for older people Wendy Burn takes over as president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in June The president elect of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has warned mental health services for older people are being ...