All Targets articles – Page 32

  • UK map

    18 week waits, January 2017: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for January 2017

  • Rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Elective waits improve in January


    The English waiting list and waiting times fell in January in better-than-expected figures. However the NHS remains in serious breach of the 18 week standard, and on recent trends things are still expected to get worse.

  • NHS walk in centre

    Trusts must hit A&E targets to secure STF money


    NHS Improvement and NHS England chief executives tell trusts performance element of STF funding will be dependent only on hitting A&E targets Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey set out measures to improve A&E performance in a letter to local leaders Trusts will still have to achieve financial control totals ...

  • Duleep Allirajah

    The NHS must not let current pressures jeopardise the cancer strategy


    Cancer services are not immune to NHS pressures, but alliances have the potential to overcome barriers of funding and workforce constraints

  • report_graph

    Exclusive: Trusts get £187m incentive payments despite plans slipping


    Analysis shows 40 providers now forecast to breach their deficit target after receiving nearly £200m of incentive payments Sustainability and transformation fund was introduced to reward trusts that agree and meet their financial targets Some trusts have received more than two-thirds of their STF allocation, yet are forecast to ...

  • Luton and Dunstable Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    System leaders set out new A&E 'minimum requirements'


    New standards issued on how to divert minor injuries away from A&E to co-located services NHS England requirements must be met either by Easter or September Measures are intended to alleviate A&E pressure NHS organisations have been given months to meet new “minimum requirements” for diverting accident and ...

  • Beds

    NHS bed occupancy hits record high


    Latest NHS bed occupancy rates are highest ever recorded for a third quarter since data collections began in 2010 HSJ analysis reveals hospital trusts with highest occupancy Six acute trusts had general and acute bed occupancy rates over 99 per cent The latest NHS bed occupancy figures are ...

  • James Illman

    Analysis: Emergency care reforms delayed pending answers on social care


    Details of an overhaul of emergency care targets have been delayed, as senior figures in the health and care system await a potential government intervention to support social care services, HSJ understands.

  • News

    Official figures suggest provider sector deficit of £873m


    Official figures published by regulators show the NHS provider sector forecasting a £873m year-end deficit, against the maximum “control total” of £580m.

  • Workforce jpg

    Study: Seven day standards have not improved outcomes


    Nuffield Trust evaluation of London Quality Standards, which formed basis for national seven day standards, raises fresh questions over government policy Report author says there is “very little hard evidence that the LQS improved outcomes” Think tank urges STP leads not to use seven day standards as “big stick ...

  • UK map

    18 week waits, December 2016: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for December 2016

  • 3016776 rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Now it’s 20 weeks - elective waiting times at pre-target levels


    English waiting times rose sharply in December, driven by the growing waiting list and winter pressures. And there was a sharp drop in the proportion of local hospital services achieving the 18 week target. By Rob Findlay

  • Lister Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust set to miss financial target by £20m


    The trust was set a financial control total of £8.6m deficit for 2016-17 £10m deterioration in December due to expected income from commissioners not being realised, as well as unexpected charges A major centralisation of acute services has reduced the number of beds at the trust, but failed to ...

  • London North West Healthcare NHS Trust

    Analysis: A&E performance sinks to record low


    Performance on main A&E measure lowest since targets introduced Fall in performance outstrips 3.7 per cent increase in admissions and attendances North west London and Cambridgeshire see worst performances and steepest declines Accident and emergency performance for December in England has sunk to its lowest level since the ...

  • trolley

    Revealed: A&E patients at struggling trust admitted to 'virtual ward'


    Trust’s audit reveals discrepancies in A&E patients’ “virtual” and actual admission to emergency decisions unit Whistleblower claims staff at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust admitted patients into “virtual ward” to avoid four hour target breaches Trust says investigations found no “deliberate” gaming of four hour target but revealed “poor processes ...

  • Nigel Keohane

    Why the government should introduce a healthcare spending target


    Given the pressures on health spending, there exists the dilemma of setting social care spending on a more sustainable trajectory for the longer term

  • UK map

    18 week waits, November 2016: explore the maps


    NHS waiting lists around England, updated for November 2016

  • 3016776 rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Elective waiting times tread water in November


    Waiting times were steady in November, and other indicators followed the usual post-2012 pattern. Which means things are still getting steadily worse, writes Rob Findlay

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Majority of areas sign contracts on time


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Lord Carter

    NHS efficiency league tables delayed


    Lord Carter has restated intention to publish rankings to highlight trusts with high levels of waste and inefficiency Officials expected the rankings to be published earlier this year Metrics are reliant on the strength of “reference costs” data, for which widespread non-compliance has been found Expert says there is ...