All Technology and innovation articles – Page 58

  • doctor with computer

    Data confidentiality row intensifies ahead of crucial ruling


    Data from opt out patients included in two thirds of NHS Digital releases NHS Digital argues releases do not pose patient confidentiality risk and comply with ICO rules Lobby group says releases do not comply with rules and “go directly against what patients think is happening” to their data ...

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    Addenbrooke's £140m IT contract hangs in balance


    Trust invites bids for £140m contract currently held by Hewlett Packard Enterprise HSJ understands costs are higher than trust originally forecast and are driving deficit Trust says it is “market testing” and supplier is fulfilling contract Cannot comment on finances as “it would impact on potential bids” Cambridge ...

  • Hildegard Dumper

    Exploring new ways of co-creating in healthcare


    The Design Together, Live Better project unlocked brilliant ideas to create devices for those with challenging health conditions

  • Cancer treatment

    NHS England to invest £130m in cancer treatment equipment


    The NHS is to invest £130m to upgrade or replace key equipment for treating cancer, and will announce new proposals to reorganise radiotherapy services across England this week.

  • Technology jpg

    NHS Digital says it has completed steps to fix data breaches


    NHS Digital now able to “respect each individual’s wishes about whether their data can be shared” Data from confidential medical records is still being disseminated without patient’s knowledge Information Commissioner’s Office yet to formally decide if NHS Digital has met its undertakings NHS Digital says it has “met ...

  • Peterborough City Hospital, Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS FT
    HSJ Local

    Hospitals cancel hundreds of appointments after 'critical' tech crash


    Two hospitals in the Midlands have had critical internal incidents declared after a major technology failure, which is affecting all trust IT and telecoms systems.

  • Ambulance triage: woman at desk with computer
    HSJ Local

    Special measures ambulance service plagued by IT problems


    An ambulance trust recently placed in special measures is struggling to respond to emergency calls because of continued IT problems.

  • Tablet computer hospital wifi connectivity technology
    HSJ Knowledge

    The rise of the connected patient


    Smart analytics can play a significant role in healthcare of the future – so how do we make them work?

  • Woman looking at smartphone

    First digital health providers inspected by CQC


    CQC publishes first pilot inspections of digital GP providers Full primary care digital provider inspections to begin next April NHS is seeking to push significant number of GP contacts to digital channels Former Circle chief Ali Parsa’s new venture Babylon one of first to get green light The ...

  • Information through technology

    Former DH director joins Google artificial intelligence company


    A former senior director at the Department of Health has joined DeepMind, the artificial intelligence company known for its data sharing work with the Royal Free London Foundation Trust.

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    IT crash trust had tech problems in pathology service since March


    Automated pathology system suffered faults from March, letter reveals Problems led to 400 samples not being tested and a backlog of 2,000 tests at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust says the issue was unrelated to major hardware fault last month IT problems at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust’s blood sciences ...

  • X ray
    HSJ Local

    Trust's radiology information system crashes for nine days


    System crash meant patients had to attend clinics without their imaging report Board papers said the trust had “plans to give notice” on the contract Trust says patient care was “not compromised” by the system failure A trust has said it has no plans to pull out of ...

  • Computer data

    Primary care fund could be reduced by £300m, say commissioners


    CCG board papers say estates and technology transformation fund will be reduced to around £400m NHS England says CCG’s figures are inaccurate Bids for premises funding required to go through STP process Source warns the fund could be reduced to “balance the books” Commissioners have raised concerns that ...

  • Microscope
    HSJ Local

    Trusts establish 'first of its kind' regional pathology venture


    Two trusts have formed an innovative digital pathology partnership designed to secure sustainable, high quality services for the whole of east and south Yorkshire.

  • Technology jpg

    Landmark patient data probe sparks 'serious concerns'


    NHS accused of wrongly sharing hospital data of 1.2m patients Privacy group says NHS’s hospital data does not comply with anonymisation standards NHS Digital says it does comply with standards Researchers raise “serious concerns” about impact on life saving studies The UK’s data watchdog is set to make ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    Hospital IT crash won't be resolved until end of the week


    Leeds and Bradford trusts cancel 132 operations IT system may not be fully restored until the end of this week Other hospitals in Yorkshire now providing pathology services to Bradford hospital and Leeds GPs Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust has said it has now successfully cleared a backlog of ...

  • USBs

    NHS Digital grapples with 1.2 million patient data breaches


    NHS Digital still unable to respect data preferences of patients from 51 GP surgeries NHS Digital must contact 1.2 million patients before 19 October to tell them their confidential data may have been shared against their wishes More than a third of organisations that received unauthorised NHS data ...

  • David Behan

    CQC told to change culture after data loss 'never event'


    Independent security review says July’s loss of 500 people’s data should be a “wake-up call” “Mismatch” between CQC policy and staff behaviour CQC considering second review next year to check on progress of organisational change An independent review has told the Care Quality Commission it needs a “culture ...

  • Blodd test
    HSJ Local

    GPs told to cancel blood tests after teaching trust's IT failure


    CCGs tell all GPs in Leeds to cancel routine blood tests after hardware fault at Leeds Teaching Hospital GPs expect to have to recall some patients for testing as samples become unviable Fault is also affecting Bradford Teaching Hospitals and caused “critical” internal incident at Leeds All routine ...

  • Researcher using microscope
    HSJ Local

    IT crash causes 'critical incident' at major teaching hospital


    Operations and appointments have been cancelled after a “critical” fault with Leeds Teaching Hospitals’ pathology IT system Test results are having to be hand delivered to clinical teams with significant impact on patient flow Fault is also affecting Bradford Teaching Hospitals and local GPs who use the trust’s pathology ...