All Technology and innovation articles – Page 6
Whole health system’s IT goes down
An ICS is dealing with a “catastrophic” IT failure that is believed to have affected all health providers in the region.
HSJ Podcast: Held to ransom
The NHS is facing weeks of disruption after pathology services across south east London were hit by a major cyber attack this week, affecting care from blood tests to transplants.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital
WINNER North of England Care System Support: OPTICA - Optimising Patient Flow and Hospital Discharge Processes
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Clinical Safety Award
WINNER Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust: A Cultural Shift and Collaborative Approach in Digital Innovation
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award
WINNER Children and Young People’s NE and N Cumbria Diabetes Network: Improving Access to Diabetes Technology for Children and Young People with Diabetes Living in Low-Income Households
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Innovator of the Year
WINNER Dr Ingrid Britton: NHS England Midlands
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Leader of the Year
WINNER Ayub Bhayat: NHS England (as nominator for individual)
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Literacy, Education And Upskilling Award
WINNER Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust: Data Bytes
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Organisation Of The Year
WINNER Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust: A Digital Leader
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Team of the Year
WINNER Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust: The Hive EPR Programme
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Driving Change through AI and Automation Award
WINNER Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust: Children and Young People’s Therapies Service – Digital Referral in and Automation to SystmOne.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Driving Change Through Data and Analytics Award
WINNER East London NHS Foundation Trust: Bringing Integrated aAnalytics Into the Hands of Clinicians
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Empowering Patients Through Digital
WINNER University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire: Gro Health W8Buddy in Specialist Weight Management
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Enhancing Workforce Engagement, Productivity and Wellbeing Through Digital
WINNER University Hospitals North Midlands and other Trusts, University of Derby and other universities, NHS England, Sim4Med: Midlands Imaging Training Academy (MITA)
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Generating Impact in Population Health Through Digital
WINNER NHS Black Country ICB and Walsall Together: The Population Outcomes Framework
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Back-Office Efficiencies Through Digital
WINNER Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with NHS Shared Business Services: NHS Automation – Harnessing RPA, Powering Positive Change
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Medicines Management and Pharmacy Through Digital
WINNER South London and Maudsley NHS Trust: Electronic Prescribing and Medicine Administration (ePMA)
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Mental Health Through Digital
WINNER Birmingham Women’s and Children’s FT, West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory, Forward Thinking Birmingham and Inagene Diagnostics UK Ltd: iPILOT - Overcoming Barriers to Implementation of Pharmacogenomics End-to-End Service, Within the Mental Health Clinical Pathway, Supporting Medicines Optimisation.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital
WINNER Cambridge University Hospitals: CUH Virtual Ward at Home, a Whole Hospital Approach
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Primary Care Through Digital
WINNER Brookside Group Practice: Maximising Capacity and Continuity in Primary Care