Technology and innovation – Page 5
HSJ Podcast: Live from Confed
This week’s episode comes to you from the NHS Confed Expo conference in Manchester, where we’re joined by NHS Confederation’s CEO Matthew Taylor and chair Victor Adebowale.
Whole health system’s IT goes down
An ICS is dealing with a “catastrophic” IT failure that is believed to have affected all health providers in the region.
HSJ Podcast: Held to ransom
The NHS is facing weeks of disruption after pathology services across south east London were hit by a major cyber attack this week, affecting care from blood tests to transplants.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital
WINNER North of England Care System Support: OPTICA - Optimising Patient Flow and Hospital Discharge Processes
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Clinical Safety Award
WINNER Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust: A Cultural Shift and Collaborative Approach in Digital Innovation
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award
WINNER Children and Young People’s NE and N Cumbria Diabetes Network: Improving Access to Diabetes Technology for Children and Young People with Diabetes Living in Low-Income Households
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Innovator of the Year
WINNER Dr Ingrid Britton: NHS England Midlands
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Leader of the Year
WINNER Ayub Bhayat: NHS England (as nominator for individual)
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Literacy, Education And Upskilling Award
WINNER Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust: Data Bytes
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Organisation Of The Year
WINNER Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust: A Digital Leader
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Digital Team of the Year
WINNER Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust: The Hive EPR Programme
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Driving Change through AI and Automation Award
WINNER Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust: Children and Young People’s Therapies Service – Digital Referral in and Automation to SystmOne.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Driving Change Through Data and Analytics Award
WINNER East London NHS Foundation Trust: Bringing Integrated aAnalytics Into the Hands of Clinicians
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Empowering Patients Through Digital
WINNER University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire: Gro Health W8Buddy in Specialist Weight Management
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Enhancing Workforce Engagement, Productivity and Wellbeing Through Digital
WINNER University Hospitals North Midlands and other Trusts, University of Derby and other universities, NHS England, Sim4Med: Midlands Imaging Training Academy (MITA)
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Generating Impact in Population Health Through Digital
WINNER NHS Black Country ICB and Walsall Together: The Population Outcomes Framework
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Back-Office Efficiencies Through Digital
WINNER Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with NHS Shared Business Services: NHS Automation – Harnessing RPA, Powering Positive Change
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Medicines Management and Pharmacy Through Digital
WINNER South London and Maudsley NHS Trust: Electronic Prescribing and Medicine Administration (ePMA)
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Mental Health Through Digital
WINNER Birmingham Women’s and Children’s FT, West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory, Forward Thinking Birmingham and Inagene Diagnostics UK Ltd: iPILOT - Overcoming Barriers to Implementation of Pharmacogenomics End-to-End Service, Within the Mental Health Clinical Pathway, Supporting Medicines Optimisation.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Digital Awards 2024: Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital
WINNER Cambridge University Hospitals: CUH Virtual Ward at Home, a Whole Hospital Approach