The NHS is set to receive almost £2.5bn in government funding to improve performance and reduce wait times through new technology solutions. But how do these solutions make a difference?

The NHS faces significant challenges due to a historical lack of funding, staff shortages, increased demand and more long-term illnesses, all of which have put the NHS under immense pressure. To help tackle these issues, £2.5bn of additional funding has been allocated this year, with the sole aim of improving operational, clinical and workforce productivity and driving efficiency up to meet the NHS’s 2.2 per cent minimum annual efficiency target1.

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This funding is welcome news for many NHS leaders, as although many trusts are well into their digital transformation journeys, not all trusts have been able to capitalise on new tech for a number of reasons, including budget constraints.

Some may even be sceptical about all this extra funding being spent solely on technology that doesn’t provide care directly. However, the benefits that come from these kinds of solutions are overarching and can transform the working life of everyone who works in healthcare settings.

Introducing Vodafone in Health

Vodafone in Health is here to support the health and social care sectors on their mandated digital journey. As such, we work with a carefully selected ecosystem of best-of-breed medtech companies that offer productivity and efficiency solutions – and enable them with our connectivity, cybersecurity and mobile device management capabilities.

Together, we work with hundreds of UK healthcare customers and NHS hospital trusts to connect for a better future. We’re helping the NHS build systems that benefit staff and patients – shortening wait times, increasing patient flow and creating health services that work for everyone.

  • 27 million NHS 111 calls enabled in the last 12 months
  • Ten-plus years connecting NHS Blood and Transplant
  • 700+ customers across the UK healthcare continuum (private and public sector)

Improving patient outcomes with cross-departmental comms

One of the companies we work with is Alertive, which provides an intelligent communication platform for healthcare operatives. Alertive’s platform allows better cross-department communication and instant access to patient information. Vodafone in Health’s relationship with both Alertive and the NHS has helped to connect this innovative solution with the staff who need it most.

Alertive’s case study for Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust found that using Alertive’s platform helped 1,500 more patients per month progress through triage in under four hours in 2023, compared to the previous year. What’s more, 7,600 healthcare professionals now communicate via Alertive, sending 77,000 messages per month2.

Data from Alertive shows the following improvements within healthcare settings:

  • 160 per cent increase in patients being unloaded from an ambulance within 15 minutes of arrival
  • 24 minutes saved by doctors per day using the platform as opposed to a switchboard
  • 47 per cent of Alertive users report lower levels of job-related stress

Delivering faster, more effective care with digital triage

Vodafone in Health has also collaborated with eConsult Health, a UK-leading digital triage and remote consultation provider. eConsult’s eTriage solution can reduce wait times by streamlining the patient journey and freeing up clinical resource.

eConsult’s case study at Homerton Healthcare FT found that eTriage reduced pre-registration waiting times by 11 minutes, with a 14 per cent reduction in nurse triage assessment duration. Further, 100 per cent of staff surveyed felt that eTriage had a positive impact on patient flow and patient safety.

  • Five mins of admin time saved per clinician per patient using eTriage3
  • 10 per cent of patients were able to be redirected to GP or pharmacy3
  • Three mins of clinician time saved per patient using eTriage3

Providing powerful devices to frontline workers

One final example of collaboration with Vodafone in Health can be seen in our relationship with Samsung. Together, we offer the latest devices that are specifically designed for healthcare customers.

“Samsung works with a large number of NHS trusts across the country to provide devices to frontline workers and support staff. Samsung’s wide range of smartphones, tablets and wearables ensures every healthcare worker has a device that fits their specific requirements. This diversity of range also ensures all healthcare organisations are able to make the most of their budgets while providing suitable technology to maximise efficiency and patient care.

“In addition, Samsung’s hardware is supported by its range of Knox solutions, which allow healthcare organisations to enrol, deploy, manage and monitor devices through their lifecycle to maximise efficiency – while also securing employees’ critical data through the range of security solutions.”

-Graeme Good, head of enterprise at Samsung Electronics UK

Transforming the health sector, together

Solutions that Vodafone in Health can connect NHS trusts to are directly impacting the frontlines. Greater efficiency and increased productivity are the basis for an NHS that can comfortably manage increased patient numbers.

By working closely with our trusted ecosystem of medtech companies, we’re transforming ways of working in healthcare – and delivering better outcomes for the future.

We work with more than 500 UK healthcare customers to provide the connectivity, security and device management needed to keep our NHS connected. And with solutions like Alertive and eConsult’s eTriage, together, we’re helping the NHS to build systems that benefit staff and patients – shortening wait times, increasing patient flow and creating health services that work for everyone.

For more information about how we support the health sector, please visit Vodafone in Health | Public Sector | Vodafone UK.


