Tina Marshall emphasises the need for virtual consultations in the times of coronavirus
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Infection prevention has long since been a battle well fought by our NHS IP teams. They are well versed on areas such as hand hygiene, needlestick injuries and surgical site infections.
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The scale of Covid-19 has set a new precedence for the containment of the infection and all NHS providers need to look at managing patients virtually.
The threat of coronavirus will help your patients adjust to virtual consultations no doubt. Unprecedented to the UK with our long timelines of introducing innovation, NHS trusts and clinical commissioning groups need to make decisions now to be able to impact and reduce the spread (potential or otherwise) of infection. But how do you make the right decision on what to use?
Remember the strength of your brand and protect it. Patients want to deal with an organisation and doctors they know, a trust or practice they are familiar with. Don’t underestimate the power of delivering technology in a solution with your own brand. Patients appreciate this and it makes good business sense.
Keep your patients, own your app. They are your patients, and (quite crudely) they provide your income. The long-term danger of letting someone else treat your patients and your app will exceed your short-term needs.
Don’t confuse video conferencing solutions for a patient facing virtual clinic – These are two different things with a different purpose. Standard video solutions are unlikely to reduce your DNA rate, your consultation time or provide a good patient experience. A solution that has been built specifically with patient experience in mind for healthcare professionals to manage their patients, will provide you with a rounded way to manage a variety of needs.
Give yourself and your patients choice – If a patient wants to see a doctor, they will see a doctor. Providing your patients with the option of a video consultation, a messaging service, an online portal, and providing this all through your branded app, will see your patient experience levels undoubtedly elevate.
You can be quick and brave at the same time – Getting a digital clinic online and ready for patients under your brand can take us mere hours with your support. We have customers who use Visiba Care in a variety of patient care pathways including GP practices, maternity, speech therapy, CAMHS, diabetes and endocrinology, transplant centres, tuberculosis, sexual health, mental health clinic, outpatient follow up, wound care, neurology, rehabilitation, dermatology, abortion, ophthalmology, infectious diseases, ENT, fertility to name a few.
The trick is to just go for it. If a clinician doesn’t have to touch the patient, managing their care through Visiba Care can help both them and you.
For more information, visit www.visibacare.com