HSJ Local
Hillingdon Council removes social workers from Hilingdon Hospital
WORKFORCE: Hillingdon Hospitals Foundation Trust saw social workers withdrawn from its main hospital site by the local authority, minutes of the January board meeting revealed.
HSJ Local
London FT boss resigns to lead neighbours' merger bid
WORKFORCE: David McVittie, chief executive of Hillingdon Hospitals Foundation Trust, left his post last week and will now be leading the merger between North West London Hospitals and Ealing Hospital.
HSJ Local
Commissioners warned to abide by CCP ruling
FINANCE: The chief executive of Hillingdon Hospital Foundation Trust used his report to the board to remind the PCT of the Co-operation and Competition Panel’s judgment on commisioners imposing minimum waiting times, activity caps and “‘inappropriate constraints’ on elective activity.”
HSJ Local
Hillingdon Hospital FT behind on CIPs but still expecting to hit year-end target.
FINANCE: The latest finance report for the west London acute said the trust was £1.7m off its planned saving of £3.9m.
HSJ Local
Alcohol nurse specialist deployed in Hillingdon Hospital A&E
PERFORMANCE: Minutes to a meeting of the west London acute trust said most re-attendances at A&E for under-65s were because of alcohol or mental health issues and that the PCT had commissioned an alcohol nurse specialist to work there.
HSJ Local
Hillingdon Hospital's chief operating officer moves to West Middlesex
WORKFORCE: Julie Wright will undertake a year’s secondment to West Middlesex University Hospital as director of nursing and midwifery.
HSJ Local
Only four maternity units in London meet consultant labour ward requirements
WORKFORCE: A report from NHS London has outlined significant shortfalls in consultant presence in labour wards.
HSJ Local
Ten patients responsible for third of Hillingdon unplanned re-attendance
PERFORMANCE: Hillingdon Hospital Foundation Trust’s figures have been skewed by one patient who has attended 158 times since April 1st 2011 - nearly once a day.
HSJ Local
Hillingdon Hospital revises down CIPs for year
FINANCE: The north west London hospital has cut its “most likely” cost improvement programme total from £5.3m to £4.5m.
HSJ Local
Hillingdon Hospitals downgrade surplus estimate
FINANCE: The north west London trust has reforecast its surplus down to £220,000, £2.3m below what it aimed for in its annual plan.
Exclusive: 500 avoidable deaths a year in London due to understaffing
There are more than 500 avoidable deaths a year in emergency care each year in London, a report obtained exclusively by HSJ reveals.
HSJ Local
Hillingdon facing health and safety risks but with 'no affordable' solution
FINANCE: The north west London hospital trust said it was “aware that there are significant health and safety and ongoing maintenance issues facing the estate”.
HSJ Local
PCT rapped over skin cancer service standards
COMMERCIAL: A dermatology contract negotiated by a primary care trust did not meet National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence standards and left patients at greater risk of cancer, a report has concluded.
HSJ Local
Report into referral failures at NHS Hillingdon published
PERFORMANCE: A report published by the north west London primary care trust cluster said there had been failings in skin cancer screening.
HSJ Local
Commissioners to investigate 'disproportionate' activity rise
PERFORMANCE: Commissioners in west London ordered a report into short stay emergency admissions at their main hospital after becoming suspicious about an activity rise in the run-up to the trust’s Monitor application.
HSJ Local
NHS Hillingdon to have £7.5m QIPP gap funded by cluster
FINANCE: The North West London cluster of primary care trusts agreed to cover the sum from non-recurrent budgets drawn from its £34m fund created the two per cent PCT top-slice.
HSJ Local
Continued under-performance on ambulance handover times at London A&Es
PERFORMANCE: A strategic health authority report has revealed continued under-performance on ambulance handover times at the capital’s accident and emergency departments.
Screening programmes under threat in London
Chlamydia screening is not a big outlay for commissioners but they are measured on it, along with other screening programmes.
HSJ Local
London's acute trusts achieving 82 per cent of their CIPs in Feb
FINANCE: A document submitted to NHS London’s delivery group in April itemises each trust against its savings target and found a capital-wide variance of £69m against plan - some trusts achieving less than half their target.
HSJ Local
Confidential report sets out quality issues for every provider in the region
PERFORMANCE: A confidential report commissioned by NHS London has listed the strategic health authority’s quality concerns about the capital’s provider bodies.