Partnered by
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust
Waiting List Access and Inequalities Tool
Restoration of elective care at the tail of the pandemic means an inevitable focus on waiting lists but this risks widening health inequalities, says the trust. UHCW has, therefore, developed a mechanism and tool for clinical prioritisation which takes into account the factors driving health inequality and used them to prioritise access to healthcare, thus reducing access inequality.
This not only improves patient experience, but effectively uses resources to provide planned care expeditiously (rather than risk unplanned emergency care) and reduce the risk of deterioration and adverse outcome in those most vulnerable in society. The judges said this project was a great illustration of turning a national health inequalities policy into practice. “With a transformational approach at scale, it should be recognised for its impact and wider potential. Great to see it is already being adopted as a solution by many.”
To read this entry in full visit HSJ Solutions.
Highly commended: Hertfordshire Partnership University FT - Physical Health Checks for People With Learning Disabilities
- Alder Hey Children’s FT - Bronchiolitis Parent Champions in the Community
- City and Hackney PBP, North East London ICB and The Advocacy Project, East London FT - What Matters To Me: Using Personal Health Budgets for Mental Health Recovery
- Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust - Maternity Cultural Transformation Group
- Herefordshire and Worcestershire ICS - Tackling Inequalities Through Covid Vaccination
- Lancashire & South Cumbria FT and Partners - Long Covid Service Journey
- North Central London ICS - Haringey Great Mental Health Programme
- OneNorwich Practices - Asthma in Schools Project
Winners of HSJ Awards 2022 revealed
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Currently reading
HSJ Awards: Innovation and Improvement in Reducing Healthcare Inequalities Award