HSJ Local
Pay driving finance issues at Princess Alexandra
FINANCE: Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust made a loss of over £1m in the first month of the financial year, the board heard.
HSJ Local
Police officer to be based at Princess Alexandra
WORKFORCE: A dedicated police community support officer is to be based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
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Princess Alex A&E performance concern
PERFORMANCE: A&E performance at Princess Alexandra Hospital is causing concern to the PCT cluster.
HSJ Local
Princess Alexandra Hospital seeks help on length of stay
COMMERCIAL: The Essex district general hospital has tendered for consultants to improve its performance on length of stay.
HSJ Local
Essex trusts form limited company with university and council
STRUCTURE: South Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust has formed a limited company with four other NHS trusts, Essex County Council and a university.
NHS trust sector in England 'heading towards deficit'
The NHS trust sector could be “heading for deficit” in 2011-12. Health economists made the warning after HSJ research revealed deepening problems among the financially weakest providers.
HSJ Local
Princess Alexandra trials mobile screens to enhance privacy
Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust had nine breaches of single sex accommodation in September and is trialling the use of mobile screens to enhance privacy and dignity, its board heard.
HSJ Local
Princess Alexandra heads for £1.5m deficit
FINANCE: Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust is heading for a £1.54m end-of-year deficit with a £1.04m deficit at the end of month six, despite transitional support promised by PCTs, according to board papers.
East of England pays close attention to QIPP plans
The East of England is often cited as a vanguard region in the NHS, with its strategic health authority providing the bulk of the leadership - seven of the 11 executives - of the new NHS Midlands and East behemoth.
HSJ Local
Board meets to set up Anglia Ruskin academic partnership
STRUCTURE: Universities and hospitals in the East of England are planning to come together in a “collaborative” partnership, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
SHA warns North Essex cluster over target failures
PERFORMANCE: NHS East of England has written to the chief of the North Essex primary care trust cluster after failures against performance targets.
Transforming trust aims high in the East of England
Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust’s ambitious aim to “become one of the best local hospitals in the country” is revealed in a “transformation programme” report in its most recent board papers.
HSJ Local
Posts and beds to go at Princess Alexandra
WORKFORCE: Princess Alexandra Hospital will cut 250 staff posts and 60 beds to meet a £17m savings target in the current financial year.
HSJ Local
Princess Alexandra savings shouldn't lead to 'slashing' workforce - DH
FINANCE: The Department of Health has warned that workforce numbers should not be “slashed” and quality should not be compromised due to the scale of Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust’s savings plan.
HSJ Local
Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust scrapes through CQC spot check
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was meeting standards relating to dignity and nutrition during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated – but noted minor concerns.
Provider trouble brewing in the East
A number of concerns were raised in a report from the East of England provider development board last month.
Under pressure trusts prepare financial cuts
The impact of this year’s significant savings plans on wards, beds, pay bills and staff at some of England’s most financially vulnerable trusts have been revealed in an analysis of 2011-12 business plans.
A chief executive merry-go-round in London
It appears to be poacher turned gamekeeper season among the capital’s chief executives.
Trusts set 'unlikely' savings targets for 2011-12
England’s acute trusts have increased the scale of their cost improvement programmes by nearly a third in 2011-12, an HSJ analysis reveals.
HSJ Local
QIPP failure and demand blamed for West Essex acute overspend
FINANCE: Slippage in West Essex PCT’s quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) plan has been due to “unprecedented demand” for urgent and emergency care, according to board papers.