Named: The trusts receiving new cash for scanners
The trusts in line to receive £200m for upgrading cancer screening equipment from the government have been announced.
HSJ Local
Troubled trust appoints new chief ahead of major reconfig
A challenged trust in the West Midlands has appointed a new permanent chief executive, ahead of a major reconfiguration of its acute services.
Revealed: The trusts testing latest round of emergency targets
New mental health emergency care targets will be trialled across 11 NHS organisations and one social enterprise, NHS England has confirmed.
HSJ Local
Former medical director accused of bullying paid £300k
A former medical director who allegedly bullied senior clinicians was paid £300,000 in 2018-19, despite an external investigation into his conduct preventing him from fully carrying out his duties.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: Lessons from the trial of new A&E targets
Performance Watch is HSJ’s fortnightly expert briefing on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
Plans to trial sepsis target could be dropped
Plans to trial a new standalone one-hour sepsis target for emergency departments as part of the NHS standards review pilot could be dropped, HSJ understands.
Fourteen trusts to be excused from reporting A&E target during controversial trial
Fresh concerns have been raised about how NHS England is conducting its controversial pilot of new accident and emergency standards.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Value Awards 2019: Acute service redesign award
Winner The Rotherham Foundation Trust: Working together across health and social care for effective discharge management Sponsored by The Rotherham FT worked with its local council to tackle high delayed discharge rates and ensure home was the default option for suitable patients leaving hospital. Previously, the trust ...
HSJ Local
Closure confirmed for two stroke units
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System has confirmed two of its five hyper acute stroke units will close by October as part of major reconfiguration plans.
Exclusive: NHS trusts dismiss Brexit impact on staff retention
NHS trusts are not expecting disruption to services caused by EU staff leaving because of Brexit, according to analysis by HSJ.
Revealed: The trusts where A&E has slipped most
Waiting time performance for major emergency admissions at one London trust has deteriorated by 29 percentage points in the last two years, HSJ can reveal.
Just one trust has 50pc BME board share
Only one trust has as many black and minority ethnic board members as white, and 96 trusts say they have no BME board directors at all, new data has revealed.
Revealed: The slowest invoice payers in the NHS
A third of acute trusts routinely break the law by paying their suppliers late, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
Consultants move to block medical director's chief executive bid
Consultants at an acute and community trust have attempted to block the medical director’s potential bid to become chief executive amid allegations of bullying and intimidation.
In full: Pathology network proposals
HSJ approached the 29 pathology networks proposed by NHS Improvement to ask if local trusts had signed up. In most cases the proposed “hub” trust was able to answer on behalf of its network.
Revealed: 58 trusts admit they will miss financial plan
NHS Improvement has accepted formal revisions to the financial forecasts of almost 60 NHS trusts, according to data published today.
In full: Trusts with staff transfer plans
HSJ has identified 19 providers that have already established a subsidiary company to manage their estate, plus 16 that have told staff they are considering the move.
Revealed: Best and worst trusts for maternity care experience
Thirteen trusts are providing women with a poorer care experience than expected in more than one core area of maternity services, according to the latest data from the Care Quality Commission.
Exclusive: One in four hospital trusts routinely pay suppliers late
More than a quarter of hospital trusts are now routinely delaying payments to their suppliers because of cash flow problems, analysis by HSJ reveals.
Analysis by trust: Large majority provide less consultant access at weekends
The majority of trusts continue to provide patients with less access to consultants at the weekend compared to a weekday, new data reveals.