Revealed: The CCGs where cancer referral is slowest
One London borough has nearly double the national average rate on an indicator that general practice is missing the early signs of cancer.
HSJ Local
Specialist trust now providing a fifth of all NHS private patient work
A specialist cancer trust increased its income from private patients by £17m last year, while the service as a whole saw non-NHS healthcare revenues rise by 6 per cent.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: No learning, no remorse?
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Another joint chair for London?
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover.
Exclusive: NHS England attempted to alter independent report on child cancer care
NHS England engaged in an unprecedented attempt to interfere with an independent clinical body’s report into child cancer services, seeking to have a recommendation on co-location of intensive care services removed, HSJ has learned.
Sir Mike Richards called in over child cancer row
Sir Mike Richards, former national cancer tsar and chief inspector of hospitals, has been asked by NHS England to carry out an independent review of child cancer standards.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Throwing your weight around
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover
Children with cancer need an end to the 10-year Marsden standoff
“The language of priorities is the religion of socialism” – and the NHS, Nye Bevan might have added.
Simon Stevens at meeting which decided not to publish controversial cancer report
NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens was present at a meeting where a decision was taken not to publish a 2015 report which exposed concerns about children’s cancer care in London, minutes newly released to HSJ show.
Exclusive: NHSE pressured us to protect ‘absurd’ cancer services, says top doctor
A leading doctor who served on an NHS England group tasked with designing new child cancer standards has told HSJ that changes to soften the proposals were “insisted on” by its officials.
Clinicians were ‘pressured’ to change child cancer standards
Clinicians drawing up new clinical standards for child cancer services in the NHS faced “unwarranted pressure” from NHS England’s cancer team to soften their recommendations, three other experts in the field have said.
Investigation: The cancer service failings covered up for years
Concerns about children’s cancer services in London have – in the words of one informed figure – been an “open secret” for almost a decade, and involved multiple reviews by experts and discussions at the highest levels.
Former NHSE director: 'Pervasive influence' blocked children's cancer report
The previous NHS medical director for London has described how a “pervasive influence from the top” of NHS England thwarted his attempts to improve cancer care for children.
Exclusive: NHS England ‘buried’ concerns over child cancer services
NHS England covered up serious problems with paediatric cancer care in London – which had seen children dying in “terrible agony” – and has “buried” attempts to overhaul the services, an HSJ investigation has established.
Expert Briefing
The biggest set of mergers for a decade
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Value Awards 2019: Financial or procurement initiative of the year
Winner Chelsea and Westminster and Royal Marsden Shared Procurement Service: Standardisation of wound care formulary Standardising the wound care products used across six acute, three community and a mental health trust in North West London has yielded annual savings of £840,000 without impacting on quality. A clinically-led selection process was ...
National radiotherapy plan 'impossible to realise' without more funding
Consolidation of radiotherapy services “will be impossible” without more money, a royal college has warned.
Review makes multiple criticisms over screening failures
Jeremy Hunt’s statement in Parliament about failures in the national breast screening programme was based on incorrect information from Public Health England, according to an independent review published today.
London's private income growth covers decline across other trusts
Growth in private income at a small number of London trusts offset a decline across the rest of England last year, HSJ analysis has found.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Awards 2018: Acute Sector Innovation
RM Partners, hosted by The Royal Marsden Foundation Trust, in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare Trust, St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust – Rapid Access to Prostate Imaging and Diagnosis (RAPID) Project More men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer than ever ...