All Theresa May articles
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The Truss manifesto
The prime minister-in-waiting, Liz Truss, has been talking to NHS leaders about tough choices and the voices in her head. Julian Patterson has obtained a transcript.
NHSE pushing for four-hour target to be scrapped in April
System leaders are pushing for their new bundle of urgent and emergency standards to replace the four-hour target from April, HSJ has learned
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: How the ICS bill stalled at the 11th hour
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by senior correspondent, Sharon Brennan.
Why government is ‘taking back control’ of the NHS
In light of the government’s plans to pass legislation to assume more powers over the NHS, Richard Sloggett looks at the reasons behind the move
Cowper’s Cut: Can leopards change their spots?
Andy Cowper on how, and how much, health and care systems can really change
‘Give the NHS what it needs, or tell public that cuts are on the way’
On capital funding the government needs to give the NHS an appropriate capital settlement to meet its manifesto commitments, recover care backlogs and reform social care, writes Chris Hopson.
NHSE: Hospitals should ‘repurpose’ half non-clinical space for ‘surge capacity’
The NHS should halve its non-clinical space to free up extra capacity ahead of winter and further potential waves of covid-19, according to NHS England/Improvement’s estates chief.
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: Bigger name leaders
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by integration senior correspondent Sharon Brennan.
HSJ Local
Ex-No 10 adviser and management consultant appointed ICS lead
A former special advisor to Theresa May when she was prime minister has been appointed new lead of an integrated care system.
How Jeremy Hunt should lead the Commons’ health committee
A senior and engaged committee chair who knows the policy area well and has the experience to run a body of MPs has the potential to do much good, and examine a lot of big questions, writes Eliot Wilson
The Bedpan: ‘The problem with conceding to Simon Stevens…’
This Week: May at 10 by Sir Anthony Seldon
Exclusive: Private finance scheme for the NHS scrapped
A much-vaunted scheme to use private investment for NHS capital projects has been officially scrapped, HSJ has learned.
Expert Briefing
About that bus…?: What the Boris deal means for the NHS: a bitesize guide
Welcome to the ‘About that bus…?’ weekly newsletter – giving you the inside track on how the fallout from Brexit is affecting the NHS at national and local level, edited by James Illman. Contact me in confidence.
New Brexit plan worse for NHS than May’s deal, experts warn
The NHS will be exposed to more risk by the government’s latest Brexit deal than by Theresa May’s original agreement, health service experts and lobby groups have told HSJ.
The Bedpan: Being minister was like ‘fighting a rearguard action’
This week: Sir Norman Lamb, Liberal Democrat MP for North Norfolk
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Does the private sector get an easier ride?
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Theresa May’s record
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector.
Why the NHS needs to understand the changes to higher and further education
It is worth the NHS exploring at least the high-level detail of what could be a hugely significant review into the post-18 education world, writes Michael Wood
Exclusive: Dido Harding: Boards should take culture as seriously as finance
Baroness Dido Harding has said if NHS boards took culture and staff management as seriously as finance, the service would “shift from a bullying and rotten culture quite quickly”, while stating she is “pretty confident” it will secure extra workforce investment from government later this year.