All Top Chief Executives articles
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HSJ Interactive
Judging HSJ’s Top Chief Executives
HSJ’s top chief executives was compiled with the input of leading figures in and around the NHS
Revealed: the most respected trust CEOs of the last decade
Sir Julian Hartley is the most respected trust chief executive of the last decade, an analysis of the annual HSJ Top 50 chief executives ranking has revealed.
HSJ Interactive
Top CEOs roundtable 2023
HSJ brought together a panel of trust chief executives drawn from its annual list of the NHS’s Top 50 CEOs. Their discussion explored how trusts will cope with the renewed financial challenge and what values-based leadership means to them
HSJ Interactive
Judging HSJ’s Top Chief Executives
HSJ’s list of the top chief executives in the NHS was judged by some of the service’s leading figures
New number one trust CEO revealed
The overarching theme of HSJ’s 2023 ranking of the NHS’s leading provider trust chief executives is one of change. Twenty-four of the names in the top 50 are new when compared to the 2022 list, although some have appeared in the rankings during previous years. In association with ...
HSJ Interactive
Values-based leadership once again takes centre stage
Values and collaboration were at the heart of the judges’ considerations for HSJ’s Top Chief Executives 2023
HSJ Interactive
Top CEOs roundtable 2022
HSJ brought together a panel of trust chief executives drawn from its annual list of the NHS’s Top 50 CEOs. Their discussion ranged across clarity of purpose for ICSs, the need for a coherent operating model and robust accountability
HSJ Interactive
Collaboration rather than competition
Beccy Fenton explores how the pandemic and development of ICSs has transformed the role of chief executives
HSJ Interactive
Judging HSJ’s Top Chief Executives
HSJ’s list of the top chief executives in the NHS was judged by some of the service’s leading figures
HSJ Interactive
Top Chief Executives 2022: Explore the map
Click on a map pin to see more about the organisations led by HSJ’s Top Chief Executives
White men form the minority of HSJ’s Top Chief Executives
A chief executive with less than four years’ experience has been selected as the number one CEO in HSJ’s eighth annual ranking of the service’s top provider trust chiefs
Expert Briefing
What the leaked draft ICS constitution tells us
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care, and commissioning. This week by senior correspondent Sharon Brennan.
The personal experience of CEOs is as valid as any member of staff
A trust chair anonymously responds to the HSJ Top CEOs roundtable discussion on the professional and personal impact of the pandemic on NHS CEOs
HSJ Interactive
Top CEOs Roundtable 2021
HSJ brought together a dozen NHS trust chief executives drawn from its list of the NHS’ top 50 trust chief executives published in March to discuss the personal and organisational impact of the pandemic
‘I've never had a conversation like this in 30 years as an NHS CEO’
A dozen NHS trust chief executives came together to explore how leading a trust through the NHS’ greatest emergency had affected them on a personal level. By Alastair McLellan
HSJ podcast: How three top trust chiefs fell out of favour
For the first time ever the leader of a mental health trust has been named HSJ’s top chief executive, and in a surprising turn of events, three former top-table leaders have departed our top 50 altogether. Why the fall from grace?
HSJ Interactive
Manage today and transform tomorrow
Kate Wilson explores the key attributes of the CEO of the future
HSJ Interactive
Judging the HSJ Top Chief Executives
HSJ’s analysis of the NHS’ top trust chief executives was judged by some of the service’s leading figures
Rob Webster heads CEO Top 50 as Dunn, Lawlor and Panniker fall from grace
Rob Webster is the first mental health trust chief executive to secure the number one spot in HSJ’s Top 50 chief executives list, which witnessed a significant churn from 2019, giving entry to new faces but also excluding many from the previous selections.