All TOWER HAMLETS PCT articles – Page 3

  • Leader

    For the highest calibre NHS leaders, this is your chance to shine


    As HSJ's exclusive world class commissioning league table reveals this week, most primary care trusts have emerged from the first round of world class commissioning with good foundations in place.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alwen Williams


    Alwen Williams, chief executive, Tower Hamlets PCT

  • News

    London's neediest areas are worst off


    London primary care trusts facing the biggest health challenges are saddled with the greatest funding shortfalls, a new coalition of private and voluntary organisations has warned.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on resource allocation


    Buried on page 39 of the 2008-09 operating framework are two bland statements. The first says primary care trusts will receive an increase of 5.5 per cent or £3.8m in revenue allocations in 2008-09, with allocations announced for one year and no changes to PCT baselines.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health at work: down should not mean out of a job in the NHS


    People with mental health problems often get chewed up and spat out of work. The NHS can lead the way in breaking a vicious circle that has a high price for both employee and employer, says Steve Shrubb

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tongue twisters


    English language training opportunities that assist access to and performance in healthcare jobs are under threat, says Paul Gander

  • News

    It is the final countdown


    Did the annual embarrassment of casualty watch encourage ministers to abolish CHCs? We may never know, but Tash Shifrin assesses their last snapshot survey of A&E waiting times

  • News

    Women quitting unequal NHS


    Education on gender equality should be included in NHS staff contracts and performance review, deputy ombudsman Hilary Scott said last week.

  • News

    Days like this


    HSJ 7March 1991 : Managers to face psychological 'audit'. . . High salary warning. . . Trust bids to break deadlock. . . Hospitals refuse contracts. . . Hotel beds pioneer

  • News

    'Local champions'start to make their mark on NHS plan working


    A picture of new partnerships and joint working is beginning to emerge from the local boards, committees and taskforces charged with leading on implementation of the NHS plan at trust and health authority level.

  • News

    Nurse recruitment crisis hits vaccination targets


    Vacancy rates for practice nurses in Tower Hamlets - one of the most deprived boroughs in the UK - have reached one in four. GPs say that with such high vacancy levels they will be struggling to reach vaccination and immunisation targets. Primary care group board member Dr Kambiz Boomla ...

  • News

    in person


    Dame Barbara Mills, former director of public prosecutions, has been appointed a non-executive director of the Royal Free and Hampstead trust.

  • News

    In Brief


    Microbiologists say they are winning the battle against hospital-acquired infections like Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).Dr Bob Masterton and colleagues from Western General Hospital in Edinburgh have discovered that levels of resistance to antibiotics have stopped rising for the first time in 10 years.

  • News

    Turning up the volume


    London's large Bengali population is benefiting from a local Bengali-speaking audiology services worker. Brian Hall and Dr Tony Sirimanna report

  • News

    Local counsel


    An enterprising recruitment scheme is tackling the under-representation of people from ethnic minorities in the NHS and social care workforce by nurturing talent on its own doorstep. Janet Snell reports

  • News

    in person


    Melvyn Ellis will be leaving Herefordshire health authority at the end of October to become chief executive of South Staffordshire health authority. Mr Ellis has worked in Herefordshire for almost five years and seen through a number of developments, including a new hospital for Hereford.

  • News

    Days like this


    NHS waiting times priority. . .Retired admiral becomes chair. . .Public apathy about reforms. . .CHCs campaign. . .Controversy in Birmingham. . .

  • News

    Making a stand for understanding


    Caring for Muslim patients Edited by Aziz Sheikh and Abdul Rashid Gatrad Radcliffe Medical Press 140 pages £17.95

  • News

    in person


    Stephen Coneys is new director of primary care for Birmingham health authority. A former state registered nurse, he has been working as assistant to the chief executive and head of contractor operation. Mr Coneys, a leading mountaineer, says he has 'experienced and learned from some spectacular failures including frostbite and ...

  • News

    Days like this


    Hospital building delays. . . impact of health cuts on social services. . . helicopter grounded. . . income generation schemes 'exaggerated'