Named: The trusts receiving new cash for scanners
The trusts in line to receive £200m for upgrading cancer screening equipment from the government have been announced.
HSJ Local
‘Inadequate’ rating for A&E as trust’s attentions diverted
Emergency services at one of Lincolnshire’s largest hospitals were rated “inadequate” because staff were too busy trying to make improvements on another site.
CQC drops prosecution of trust due to lack of evidence
The Care Quality Commission has dropped a prosecution against United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust for duty of candour breaches due to a lack of evidence.
Expert Briefing
Performance Watch: Details of the ‘A&E Local’ model revealed
HSJ’s Performance Watch expert briefing is our fortnightly newsletter on the most pressing performance matters troubling system leaders. Contact me in confidence here.
Expert Briefing
‘About that bus…?’: Not just Kent – The troubled health economies facing a no-deal jam
Welcome to the ‘About that bus…?’ weekly newsletter – giving you the inside track on how the fallout from Brexit is affecting the NHS at national and local level, edited by James Illman Contact me in confidence.
HSJ Local
Special measures trust to ban GMC concern medics
A rural trust is rowing back on hiring locum doctors with General Medical Council restrictions, after a non-executive director questioned the “high number” of such staff being employed.
Two trusts forced to close 170 beds over fire safety concerns
Two large teaching trusts have been forced to close more than 170 beds due to concerns over fire safety, while significant sections of one hospital can only remain open if hourly checks are carried out.
HSJ Local
A&E downgrade pushes demand onto struggling neighbour
The full extent of the increased pressure on a struggling city hospital after the downgrading of a neighbour’s emergency department has finally been revealed.
HSJ Local
Trusts turn to artificial intelligence to tackle staff shortage
Two East Midlands trusts are trialling the use of artificial intelligence tools to diagnose breast cancer in a bid to mitigate the national shortage of radiologists.
NHS trusts owe government £14bn
Heavily-indebted NHS providers are bidding to restructure their loans with the Department of Health and Social Care, albeit with little prospect of them being written off.
HSJ Local
Length of stay cut by 30 pc in GIRFT pilot
One of the country’s biggest rural trusts has cut patients’ length of stay in hospital and improved waiting times by separating elective orthopaedic work from trauma cases, according to the results of a pilot project.
HSJ Local
Trust warns university is unable to fill nursing places
A rural trust has warned university places to study nursing are not being filled despite a recent boost in national funding to expand clinical placements.
Revealed: The 20 capital projects promised by the PM
The government has unveiled a list of 20 new capital investment projects worth a total of £853m.
Breast cancer target performance drops 10pp in a year
Performance against a target for the NHS to quickly see patients with suspected breast cancer fell by more than 10 percentage points in the last financial year, new data reveals.
Trust appoints interim chief after failed recruitment campaign
United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has appointed an interim chief executive after an unsuccessful national campaign for a permanent recruit.
HSJ Local
Special measures trust asks ‘how trustworthy’ are we?
A Lincolnshire trust which has been in special measures for more than two years is asking the public for their views on its reputation.
HSJ Local
Single accountable officer appointed in Lincolnshire
A single accountable officer has been appointed to work across four Lincolnshire clinical commissioning groups.
NHSI clears trusts to hire consultants as money worries worsen
NHS Improvement has authorised a tranche of financial support projects, ending a mini-drought in trusts tendering for management consultancy.
Staff survey analysis: Best and worst hospitals in each area for staff recommending care
Below is a breakdown by area of acute and combined trusts performance on the NHS staff survey, according to the share of employees who would recommend their organisation for work or care.
Revealed: The trusts where A&E has slipped most
Waiting time performance for major emergency admissions at one London trust has deteriorated by 29 percentage points in the last two years, HSJ can reveal.