Exclusive: Computer attack could hit more hospitals, officials warn
Trusts around the country are warned over spread, after most disruptive cyber attack on an NHS trust NHS Digital warns trusts of “potential threat to your organisation” Senior source warns trusts are at risk of “going down with same virus” National officials have issued a warning to ...
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
HSJ Local
A&E night closure sees two patients a night sent elsewhere
Early data from controversial move suggests average of just two patients a night needed transporting to alternative A&E, says trust Night closure of Grantham unit resulted in admissions being reduced from 14 to 12 per day, trust says Royal College of Emergency Medicine says trust took “appropriate measures” ...
HSJ Local
Trust to face legal challenge over A&E closure
LEGAL: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust could face a legal challenge against its decision to partially close the accident and emergency department at Grantham and District Hospital.
HSJ Local
Lincolnshire trust confirms night time A&E closure
ACUTE CARE: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has confirmed it will go ahead with plans to close the accident and emergency department at Grantham and District Hospital at night.
HSJ Local
Trust plans night time A&E closure after reaching 'crisis point'
United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust to make a decision on temporary reduction of opening hours of Grantham A&E department Trust says services have reached “crisis point” and “patients may be put at risk if we don’t act” Royal College of Emergency Medicine says trust was in an “increasingly common situation” ...
HSJ Local
Lincolnshire sets out plans to tackle £60m deficit and performance
RECONFIGURATION: NHS leaders in Lincolnshire will go out to public consultation later this year over plans to radically overhaul key services.
High performing trust bosses asked to 'peer review' others
NHS Improvement has asked 30 providers to take part in governance reviews at other trusts A number of specific reviews to be commissioned in coming months Reviews will be supported by external consultants Regulators have asked chief executives and chairs at “high performing” trusts to take part in ...
Analysis: 20 trusts behind half of A&E performance decline
Twenty trusts responsible for most of the rise in A&E four hour target breaches Eight of the trusts also drove last year’s decline Smaller trusts disproportionately driving the decline Eight trusts hit the 95 per cent target for 2015-16 overall Twenty hospitals trusts are responsible for more than ...
Revealed: The capital projects deferred in 'undignified scramble'
£270m of deferred spending identified, much of which relates to projects such as building maintenance, IT infrastructure and the purchase of new equipment. Twenty biggest transfers listed. Download full details of the capital-to-revenue transfers identified Sources told HSJ they are seriously concerned that key capital projects could be jeopardised ...
HSJ Local
Updated: Four wards closed after fire and power cut at East Midlands hospital
United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust closes A&E at Grantham and District Hospital after fire Four major services closed due to resulting power cut All operations and outpatient clinics cancelled for next few days ACUTE CARE: United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust has had to close four wards after an electrical fire ...
HSJ Local
East Midlands trusts to share chair
APPOINTMENT: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust has appointed Dean Fathers as its new chair.
Trusts ask Monitor for tariff hike
Monitor has received 16 requests for tariff hikes since April 2014 Morecambe Bay has secured modified prices which should result in extra £25m per year Worcestershire Acute Trust withdrew application for “further engagement” with commissioners At least eight NHS trusts have sought to boost their income by asking ...
HSJ Local
Acute care vanguard awarded nearly £1m transformation funding
East Midlands vanguard project awarded £960,000 from NHS England Consortium of seven trusts shares radiology patient images Money needs to be spent by end of 2015-16 FINANCE: A consortium of seven East Midlands acute trusts has been awarded £960,000 to support its work as a vanguard site developing ...
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
Two trusts slip back to old nurse staffing levels after leaving special measures
Two acute trusts that were taken out of special measures after recruiting scores of nurses have slid back to their old staffing levels, HSJ analysis shows.
Supplement: It's time to heal wound management
Rising numbers call for better management
HSJ Local
Lincolnshire trust performs ‘deep dive’ into liver disease death rates
PERFORMANCE: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust is performing a ‘deep dive’ review into the deaths of some liver disease patients after mortality rates were found to be much higher than expected.
HSJ Local
Lincolnshire health bodies form system-wide ‘recovery programme’
PERFORMANCE: Organisations across Lincolnshire are to form a group to improve the region’s care quality, rescue its financial position and develop a county-wide workforce plan.