Exclusive: fifth acute trust says it is considering private franchise management
A fifth hospital trust has said it will consider private franchise management.
Eighty trusts call in lawyers over board level exits
Nearly 80 NHS organisations have employed law firms to deal with the departure of board members over the past five years, an HSJ investigation has revealed.
HSJ Local
Heart of England shuns partnership with Birmingham City Uni
WORKFORCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust has decided against piloting a hospital-based nursing degree with Birmingham City University.
HSJ Local
Money withheld from Heart of England due to stroke performance
PERFORMANCE: Commissioners are holding back 3 per cent of contracted funds from Heart of England Foundation Trust until performance problems relating to stroke and the patient pathway are resolved.
HSJ Local
DH 'impressed' with West Midlands clusters but 'worried' about QIPP
PERFORMANCE: The Department of Health has been “impressed” with the PCT clusters in the West Midlands but has “worries” about QIPP plans and has recognised “issues” around coterminosity between GP commissioners and local authorities.
HSJ Local
Good Hope Hospital passes CQC tests but with minor concerns
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was meeting standards relating to dignity and nutrition, but also noted minor concerns on both, during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated.
HSJ Local
Heart of England overperforms by nearly £1m
FINANCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust has overperformed on its contract with NHS Solihull by nearly £1m already in 2011-12.
HSJ Local
NHS Bristol signs £1.4m telehealth deal
COMMERCIAL: NHS Bristol has signed a three year contract worth £1.4m with a telehealth company to provide support for patients with long term conditions.
Chase Farm is 'signal' ministers will not back major NHS change, says Hunt
The government’s intervention into the future of Chase Farm Hospital was “the signal” it would not support “courageous” decommissioning decisions, according to a former health minister.
HSJ Local
Heart of England predicts 21 per cent savings shortfall
FINANCE: The trust is predicting that 79 per cent of its 2011-12 savings target will be delivered, with £4.9m unmet.
HSJ Local
Heart of England FT faces Monitor escalation
PERFORMANCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust was issued with two exception notices and has been advised that a further two for stroke and outpatient indicators are likely to be issued.
HSJ Local
Nurse consultant appointed at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
WORKFORCE: One of the country’s “most experienced frontline nurses” has been appointed to the post of nurse consultant in acute medicine, the trust has announced.
HSJ Local
Heart of England failing on handover times
PERFORMANCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust is failing to achieve 30 minute handovers in nearly half of cases.
HSJ Local
Lord Hunt becomes chair of Heart of England FT
WORKFORCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust has appointed Lord Philip Hunt as its new chair following a formal governors’ consultative council meeting last month.
HSJ Local
Heart of England FT appoints executive director for Solihull services
WORKFORCE: Claire Molloy has been appointed as the new executive director of Solihull Healthcare Services.
NHS treatment of elderly failing 'basic human needs' - ombudsman
NHS treatment of older people is “failing to meet even the most basic standards of care” in some areas, a report published today by the health service ombudsman has found.
HSJ Local
Heart of England slashing 1,600 posts
WORKFORCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust is cutting around 1,600 posts over four years to deliver efficiency savings.
HSJ Local
Solihull Care Trust investigating Heart of England's A&E performance
PERFORMANCE: Solihull NHS Care Trust is carrying out an investigation with NHS Birmingham East and North into accident and emergency performance at Heart of England Foundation Trust.
1,600 job cuts criticised by Unison
Union leaders have attacked plans to cut 1,600 posts at a Midlands trust, warning it could lead to a possible repeat of the hospital scandal that led to hundreds of avoidable deaths.
NHS Partners in row over ‘cosy’ deal
The carve-up of primary care trust provider arms has seen mental health and acute trusts pick up the greatest amount of work while the private sector will secure the least.