All University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust articles – Page 7
HSJ Local
Derby fails to meet Monitor's targets
Monitor has warned Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust that it must improve emergency department waiting times and its financial performance.
HSJ Knowledge
We must give every NHS employee leadership skills
Leadership skills are not just for managers
Analysed: District general hospitals look to private patient income
District general hospitals are increasing their private patient offerings
HSJ Local
Fluck named as renal tsar
STRUCTURE:A leading kidney expert from Derby Hospitals, Dr Richard Fluck, practising consultant in renal medicine has been appointed as National Clinical Director for Renal Disease by the NHS Medical Director, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh.
Exclusive: Details emerge of controversial IT funding deals
Details of how controversial deals under which the Department of Health is expected to fund IT systems for NHS trusts have been identified by HSJ, with one trust seeking around £10m, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals doc made national clinical director
STRUCTURE: Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust medic Richard Fluck has been appointed a national clinical director.
HSJ Local
Derby FT sees number of year-long waiters increase
PERFORMANCE: Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust had 23 patients waiting over a year for treatment in August this year compared to none in August 2011.
HSJ Local
New vascular surgery service for Derbyshire
STRUCTURE: Two East Midlands foundation trusts have joined forces to provide an integrated vascular surgery service to the whole of Derbyshire.
One in 10 NHS appointments missed
One in 10 health appointments were missed last year, costing the NHS millions of pounds and delaying treatment for other patients, figures suggest.
Overnight discharge data questioned as hospitals hit back
Misleading data has emerged as a possible explanation for claims that hospitals discharge large numbers of patients in the middle of the night.
HSJ Local
Reducing emergency admissions key for Derby FT
Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust will seek to cut its number of emergency admissions to help it save £24.6m
Two more hospital trusts placed in significant breach by Monitor
Two more foundations trusts have been placed in significant breach of their terms of authorisation, taking the total to 15 of the 78 acute trusts regulated by Monitor.
HSJ Knowledge
Liberating Ideas: the award-winning projects that could truly liberate the NHS
Which of the Liberating Ideas Award 2011 winners’ projects has the greatest potential to be adopted by the rest of the NHS? Alison Moore watched the final judging session.
Most commissioners see readmissions rate rise despite harsh penalties
Most commissioners have seen an increase in emergency readmission rates despite the imposition of new penalties that are set to cost providers more than £400m this year, an HSJ investigation has found.
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals' £33m working capital facility approved
FINANCE: Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust is to receive a £33m working capital facility following approval from Monitor and Barclays.
HSJ Local
Derbyshire Healthcare celebrates best ever PEAT results
PERFORMANCE: Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has received its best ever scores in this year’s patient environment action team (PEAT) inspections.
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals has insufficient schemes to meet PCT demand management targets
FINANCE: Derby Hospitals has identified a risk associated with NHS Derbyshire County’s plans to reduce income by £9m through demand management.
HSJ Local
Derby picks Morrisons in estate sell-off
COMMERCIAL: Derby Hospitals Foundation Trust has selected Morrisons to develop the first phase of a new mixed use scheme planned for the old Derbyshire Royal Infirmary site.
HSJ Local
Derby Hospitals considering cuts to staff hours
WORKFORCE: Derby Hospitals is considering asking staff to volunteer for a cut in hours as way of cutting its £262m pay bill.